To which I mean I’m completely done with single issue comic pamphlets. They make a mess, they get all over, hard to store reasonably, there’s not really much collector value long term, as I’m not going to want to revisit most of these stories in 20-30 years or whatnot. And even then, things that are hot now might be quarter bin like Spawn or Gen13.
Next, there’s not a single book out there (barring some random indie ones, don’t leave comments listing “but this–” please) that actually tells a story in a single issue or makes any attempt at it anymore. Everything’s built around 5-7 issue arcs. So you might as well get a graphic novel at that point. It’s just a waste, and 20 pages, as comics have been shortened to, with the modern cinematic style, don’t convey nearly enough information like the Golden/Silver age of comics to get you invested in a story enough to want to do it monthly. You’ll get a short part where Spider-man steps in dog poo and then heads out and then the issue ends. And then next issue he might be at the laundromat before something happens. By the time the next month rolls around there’s nothing to leave an impression enough for you to follow the story from where it left off (which is why they do recaps every issue now).
Graphic novels are the way to go. They’re more efficient, I can sit and do it in one reading, and that’s that.
Comics stopped being worthwhile in the main when “12¢” stopped appearing on the covers. Gardener Fox and Gil Kane made Green Lantern was worth buying. Kirby and Sinnott gave good FF with Lee writing dialog. Curt Swan, Mort Weisiniger, and Jim Shooter on LSH; Ditko on Spidey and the Doctor; Don Heck on Shellhead and the Avengers; Gene Colon rendering Subby and the Golden Avenger; Bob Powell on Hulk and Giant-Man/Wasp.
Silver Age comics were Sterling. Now, like mainstream SF/F, just Gray Goo, shot through with pink Pepto.
I stopped buying individual issues of comics about twelve years ago and haven’t regretted it. It never bought for collector value, anyway, so picking up interesting-looking graphic novels was cheaper and I got the read the story all at once. These days, I usually just buy digital comics–graphic novels, again–but wait for a sale on Comixology before buying. You can get some really good deals that way!
The economics of a graphic novel become problematic in this sense. Graphic novels only get made of collected runs, and collected runs only get finished if single issues sell. It’s a frustrating catch-22 (like you, I prefer graphic novels).
If you like graphic novels, I’d recommend checking out Skullkicksters by Jim Zub.
I know that to be the case. I just can’t do it because comics in the pamphlet form are totally failing in presenting me with a story. They present me with such a partial story in almost every instance that it’s disheartening to read and harder to get hooked. So I’m out excepting in rare cases.