I’ve mentioned the CF foundation before, and appreciate the generous contributions of friends and readers. My lovely and elegant wife is running some charity auctions featuring some cool jewelry, baseball tickets, even a backyard bbq! If you’re interested, please check this out here: https://www.facebook.com/teamMGD/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
If you’re not familiar with CF, it’s a very nasty lung disease where patients develop mucus non-stop — think feeling congested like you’re sick to an extreme every day of your life. Now while it’s healthy in a normal person, it has negative effects as the thick mucus blocks air passages, and ends up scarring and collapsing the lung. Just a decade ago, average lifespans for CF were in the teens, but with modern developments due to the foundation’s work, they’ve extended that big league. The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with the disease the opportunity to lead full, productive lives by funding research and drug development, promoting individualized treatment and ensuring access to high-quality, specialized care.
Every little bit helps. Thanks for taking the time to look. If you’d like to contribute directly, please do so here: http://fightcf.cff.org/site/TR/GreatStrides/98_Northern_California_San_Francisco?px=2758558&pg=personal&fr_id=5939
Also, if you’re on 23andme, they test for this gene, so you can tell if you’re a carrier (I am a carrier). If you want kids then this is information you’ll need.