Just getting back from LibertyCon, and I have to say I was pretty blown away by how awesome it was. Almost as awesome as being a gangsta with author A.M. Freeman here:
As much as I understand they had some issues with capacity for the hotel, the actual convention at a train station and inside/around train cars was actually very charming and a great setting. I don’t think I’ve ever met a better group of more supportive, wonderful people in my life. These are people who love to read and write and it shows!
It was great to see how many people already had read both of my books and were actually fans of my work. Thank you everyone for being there! On top of it I mentioned on social media that I sold out of books I brought rather quickly. For Steam And Country was sold out after my first hour selling session, and Star Realms quickly followed that with its few remaining copies within about 15 minutes of my second one. Big thanks to everyone who picked one up!
Part of that cool experience was the way they ran the author’s tables. You didn’t just have to spend your whole con sitting there in the vendor room in a corner hoping you’ll sell books. They set you up right by the main panel rooms where people walk, and actually changed out authors for slots every hour or so – which kept it fresh for people waking by to see new and different stuff every time. A very cool way of running things I think all conventions should implement.
Overall, it was a convention run right. Everyone on staff was so friendly they almost felt like family by the end of the weekend –very cool and inviting for someone who’s never been been to this area of the country before. Props to the folk who brewed beer and set it up out back the trains and had everyone hang out there like we were on the back of someone’s front porch. It created an amazing atmosphere..
What was great was the real focus on Science Fiction and Fantasy and real scientific topics. Everything promoted books or topics for book lovers. There was not a single program on the schedule that was about politics – very refreshing! No wonder the con sells out every year.
Plus the fact that there were just so many great authors. I couldn’t even adequately get around to spending quality time with everyone there were so many, a great problem to have. I think I did get to talk to most everyone at least for a brief moment. I’m sorry if I leave you off the list (there’s just too many but know I love you too!) but it was really wonderful meeting Declan Finn, David Boop, Dan Humphreys, John Van Stry, Sarah Hoyt and Peter Grant. Great people.
My own panels went really well. Star Realms had 12 for the competitive tournament. The fellow who won already had a copy of Rescue Run, so I gave him a copy of For Steam And Country as prize. Between my wife and I, we taught at least 6 people how to play over the course of the weekend, and I made sure to give people my in game name for the app so they can play later.
The Steampunk Panel with Gail Martin moderating was the highlight for me. She is a class act who did such a great job keeping things going and on topic, expert level stuff. I ran into her later in the con and saw her sitting alone and WRITING! I wasn’t able to write or read anything over the course of the con so props to her for doing what writers do best.
Was very sad not to be able to see Louis Anotnelli, one of the finest short story writers of our time, for the Retro-Futurist panel, but it was taken over by Griffin Barber, who is a co-author on the 1632 books with Eric Flint. His knowledge base is incredible, and though it made me feel inadequate on the topic at times, it was by far a wonderful and educational experience as well.
Gave out so many bookmarks and ribbons over the course of the weekend, it was so great. Some of the book highlights I picked up to read:
Straight Outta Tombstone – Weird West Anthology edited by David Boop
Scaling The Rim – Dorothy Grant.
Down the Dragon Hole – Morgon Newquist.
Got a lot of others as well but these may bump to the top of my reading list after commitments I have for friends and folk wanting blurbs.
Always great to see Todd McCaffrey again. He brings immense fun with him wherever he goes. Someone needs to tell the organizers about his famous Delphic Oracle panel though, as that is usually the best part of any con where he’s at. If you haven’t been to it and you see him running one at a con (Dragon*Con is soon!) then I highly suggest attending. You’ll laugh the whole time.
Excellently run convention and I really hope I get to go again. Thank you everyone who staffed the con, all my new and old friends alike who made it such a wonderful experience. I really hope I get to go again sometime!
Had a blast, and it was great to finally meet you in person. Looking forward to next time!
Unfortunately, your first con at the Choo Choo is likely to be your last. With the CC converting the separate buildings with rooms off as apartments, there’s literally no way that they can meet the contract requirements with the con of having 300-something (I forget the exact number) rooms available.
Con staff is looking at options, per the wrap-up panel on Sunday, but haven’t finalized anything for next year as far as dates and location.
(Saw you in passing by the Con Suite, but was in a bit of a time crunch so didn’t stop to say hello. Sadly, “see them when no free time, free time and see no one” was pretty much the default for my time at the con.)
Not sure who you are, but hopefully we can meet next time 🙂 The building does not make the soul of the con. I’m sure it’ll land at a nice place.
Post on FB under my real name of Dan Poore… which probably doesn’t help with identifying me any in a meaningful manner (hence part of the inspiration for my nom de internet). 😛
As for the building, true, but how many cons could brag about holding con panels in train cars? 😉
Well we can be friends now and talk SF on the internets and maybe in person next time 😉
Glad to finally meet you in person! Glad you enjoyed the con too!
Awesome to meet you too!