This evening I learned something tragic. That I, your humble Hispanic science fiction author, was blocked by the self proclaimed queen of diverse science fiction, N.K. Jemisin on twitter. It seems my mere existence pre-emptively causes her to make sure she is solely in an echo chamber of those who hate anyone who think differently than them.
But this is not the biggest tragedy. I found that all of my Furry friends and fans, had been blocked by this hugo award winning author, one who made diversity a hallmark of her campaign toward such an award. And I found this a true shame.
In the name of N.K. Jemisin, I therefore want to promote diversity, and I wil ldo so by promoting furred fiction. I picked this up myself, and at 99 cents, you should to. If only to send a message that lack of tolerance will not be tolerated. It’s what herself Jemisin might say were she not so blinded by rage.
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“Then go back to your basement and pretend to be an elf, secure in the knowledge that you’re safe, because you’ve done your part to shun the wrong kind of weird people.”