This is an interesting and sad topic. I know I posted about Chris Cornell before, and I don’t want to get into the trap of blogging every celebrity death as if we’re close personal friends of the deceased, because I’m not sure that’s really a good thing to do with someone’s memory, and second, I think these flood of social medias for every single one, and then forgetting them 2 days later is a bit tacky.
However, I did spend several hours with Mr. Bennington and his band in 2003. For those that aren’t aware, I had a band for awhile. We recorded around that time, and played a lot of shows up until I got a bit too busy to do so in 2008. Probably my most noticed thing i’ve ever done is actually selling a song off that record to MTV’s Real World: New Orleans, which played in the background of the show and made a nice check.
Linkin Park was actually in the same studio while recording that, working on a remix album or something, I can’t recall exactly. We shared a lounge at the time. Usually the lounge was filled with food, drinks, fun, people running in and out, but it was kind of a strange night, as it was the night that the USA was first bombing Baghdad. It was a somber atmosphere, and we kept it on CNN, watching in awe as the bombs went off, the overwhelming force applied, and the swift movements of our military. It was hard to actually focus on recording that evening, for both bands in the house, and so we ended up spending a lot of time together, just hanging out, as musicians.
Bennington was a super nice guy in my experience. We didn’t really say much of substance that I remember to this day, as the scene of war really drowned out any other memory, but he was relaxed, humble, nice and I was impressed with him. I’d never really gotten into their music, as it’s a bit too dark for my tastes, but as a human being, he was someone I wanted to root for.
It’s really sad to think about having spent time with someone, even if it was only a few hours, and even if he probably likely never remembered me, and to think that he’s gone now, and had a bout with struggles I’ll never even begin to comprehend. I wish his family love and the strength to get through this, and pray that God will provide for them.
There are probably far better eulogies for this man out there, but I will remember him for the duration of my life certainly, and hope this paid him the respects he deserves.
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