It’s been a crazy week, and all of this stuff below I wanted to get to individually, but given the way I’ve been relentlessly attacked by John Scalzi, and then something I haven’t publicized much in that I’ve been defamed in a writers group called The Codex Writers by some pretty big people in the industry actively attempting to cause material harm to my career with slander, I haven’t been able to get to the stuff I’d really like to talk about, which is books. I love books, especially good books. And there’s nothing I love more than promoting worthy things in the field, especially work by friends. I’ve got three for you that I recommend you check out if it tickles your fancy:
CJ Carella’s new MIlitary SF, Havoc Of War, the Warp Marine Corps Book 5. This is my next series I’m going through via audiobook, and I”m stoked that there’s a new book out. I was joking earlier this week that I call hijinx on the Dragon Awards, because he is a much better Military SF writer than I am, and yet he does not have a nomination. Obviously I appreciate the support, but I do also mean he’s much better at this subgenre than I. Check it out: A really cool kickstarter project, Last Cities Of Earth, by Dragon AND Hugo nominated Editor, Jeniffer Brozek. What was her Dragon nomination you ask? Why, the hit Military Science Fiction novel, Star Realms: Rescue Run, which most of you have probably heard of. She’s a phenomenal editor, and puts together anthologies like no one else in the business. The concept of this one is artwork by Jeff Sturgeon, a phenomenal artist, with stories set to individual pieces. Frankly I’m jealous of hte authors who got to set stories to these amazing pieces of art, but not too much so as I have many friends and people I admire in the anthology, and can’t wait to see their work, including: Jody Lynn Nye, Kevin J Anderson, Peter Wacks and Cat Rambo. I backed this:
. First Job, a pulp novella by Lucas Flint. This is an awesome guy i met at libertycon who made a sweet superhero book, a story that’s actually from the sidekick’s perspective instead of the main hero (I wish I would have thought of that, I love the “everyman” concept behind it):
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