Yesterday was beautiful. We garnered so much support for tolerance and a real culture change in science fiction publishing that it shut down the people trying to stir up hate. My hands hurt a little bit from my piano performance yesterday, so I’m going to try to periscope some of these thoughts more and post less 2,000 word articles on it so I can save my hands for fiction. Also, video gets more love over time than writing. Here’s my thoughts on the win yesterday:
Why do you say N.K. Jemisin doesn’t care about SF and Fantasy?
It’s in the context of this hashtag. It was about making a political point that right wingers are evil. I don’t know her at all and have never talked to her so I cant state her thoughts on books in general. Hope that clears things up.
Not at all. You don’t know her at all and have never talked to her so the only thing you aren’t comfortable speculating about is her thoughts on books? But you are comfortable saying with certainty that she doesn’t want to challenge her point of view and doesn’t care about SF and Fantasy because she blocks trolls on twitter?
Clear as mud…
Yes, I am comfortable with saying that because I have seen her discuss me personally on twitter and how she blocked me intentionally without me even know her. I’m not a troll, I’m the leading Hispanic voice in Science Fiction. I’ll respect anyone who respects me, and I was disrespected first. Go tell her how concerned you are about that.
“I’m not a troll, I’m the leading Hispanic voice in Science Fiction.”
These aren’t mutually exclusive things.
Maybe, but I’m also a nice friendly guy. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t chat with you, ya?
Well, they are definitely not mutually exclusive, not maybe. Also, you acknowledged to “daddy warpig” that the nice guy thing was a form of trollery, so there is that.
He made a funny comment, I enjoyed it. I don’t take myself or writing books about space ship pew pews all that seriously because it’d be ridiculous if I did.
Nicely done. Already voted for you in the Dragon awards, keep up the good work.
Thank you!