Is this what Disney as a company stands for? Privileged white authors saying these kinds of things about minority authors they don’t know? Do they support people who seek out rising star Hispanic authors, and call them horrific things on the internet?
I don’t know Chuck, have never interacted with him save for asking to be on his blog as a book promotion — he gives guest posts to some authors. Yet he says these extremely hateful things about me on the internet. Why? How does he even know who I am?
Do you think I need a restraining order? Or is this perhaps racially motivated as this cis-white author is scared of his crumbling power to minorities? It really makes you think.
I’m guessing he just hates your politics or religious beliefs. Most likely both. From what I know of him he seems quite the sjw tool bag. Probably doesn’t even realize he’s on the wrong side. I wouldn’t concern myself with the likes of people like him.
Probably both. The amount of vitriol in SF against “my types” in the name of phony diversity is really staggering.
One of my favourite blog posts ever was this response from Joe Konrath to Wendig: . Enjoy!
But you are a septic diaper. There is no racial component to that.
Wow bro you’re not only so bold you’re so creative too. Keep it up!
You must organize! Start a campaign through all the bibliotecas and Hispanic Literature classes nationwide! Fight the power! Attica! Attica!
I should I whole-heartedly recommend:
CJ Carella
Jason Cordova
and me of course
Portuguese Hispanics:
Sarah Hoyt
Larry Correia
Great writers.
Has Chuck Wendig ever written anything that wasn’t work for hire and completely owned by the publisher?
I think he has a YA series.
Or, you know, five YA books, and NINE NOVELS that weren’t work for hire.
I think that you’re just looking for publicity. Or maybe money from Disney? Either way, there was no racist component to that insult Mr. Wendig dropped on you, so quit your whining, grow a pair, and move on.
Why are you reframing my correcting that he has a YA series as an attack on me? I didn’t make any comments on Chuck’s writing.
Reading over your blog. hate to say it but as little as I like Wendig, he is right on this count.
LOL you’re here justifying his mean-spirited comment to me? Nice. Why are people I don’t know so awful on the internet? I don’t know any of you.
You get what you give, Jon.
I never give things like this. You’ve been actively harassing me for months and I’ve never said things like this about you. Unless you imply that Chuck will get what he gives here. I mean I don’t wish ill on the guy but I wish he’d stop attacking me.
Then stop attacking.
I don’t, I just counterpunch when I get nonsense like Chuck’s post here.
After looking at your misogynistic, whiney blog posts I think that Chuck was being too kind. There is no racial component to that tweet. Guess he just doesn’t like sexist arseholes.
You just came on my blog and called me a bunch of names. You feel better? This is the treatment I get and you’re showing it.