This is a tragic day for science fiction. It’s really out of control and terrible. I wish there were any recourse but to call this nonsense out, but there’s not. Rambly thoughts a bit but I’m extremely disappointed in both Cat Rambo and SFWA.
Well, you definitely didn’t prove anything on your submissions post, you still owe Julie a response on how you got gender information from the Submission Grinder.
It’s fair to say at this point, when you post something whining about something someone else did, and there is no supporting documentation, links, etc…, there is a 100% chance it didn’t shake out as you described.
Ms. Rambo attacked me first. I had never talked to her before she called my writing “egregious stupidity” on a hate website. She never apologized for that. Maybe she should.
I believe it was a conclusion of yours that she called egregiously stupid, and while you wrote that conclusion, it wasn’t your writing she was calling stupid. Your conclusion was egregiously stupid.
Sack up.
Awww, you edited my post. OK, I think we all know what you are.
Hi “Wilson”. I went to twitter to confirm Jon’s description of what occurred on twitter. So yeah, I believe what occurred on twitter occurred on twitter and it differed from Jon’s account.
The “Leading Hispanic Voice in SF”? Really? Before James Stevens-Arce? Before Ernest Hogan? Before anyone I’ve actually heard of before Cat Rambo started bitching about him on Facebook? It takes a lot more books before anyone is the leading whatever kind of voice. You’re not there yet. Not by a long shot.
And as far as “doing your journalism”, let me give you a nickel’s worth of free advice: Journalists don’t write articles about themselves with third-person headlines. Journalists don’t use flawed methodologies to pen skewed opinion pieces. And journalists don’t ask for the president of a professional organization to get kicked out for being “mean to them.” The SFWA can’t ruin your career. You’re an indie. Sack up, dude.
No, not mad. Just laughing hysterically at your presumption. It takes a lot of cajones to say you’re the leading Hispanic voice in your field, when your only notoriety comes from sniping at people online. But whatevs.
If that were the case, I would have heard of you before Cat Rambo outed you for trolling her.
Big world out there I discover new writers every day. She trolled me first. Hopefully you check out the books and discover fun and not politics. Thanks for caring and reading.
James Palmersays
So you deleted my entire comment on this post. Good to know I was right about your journalistic “ethics.”
Well, you definitely didn’t prove anything on your submissions post, you still owe Julie a response on how you got gender information from the Submission Grinder.
It’s fair to say at this point, when you post something whining about something someone else did, and there is no supporting documentation, links, etc…, there is a 100% chance it didn’t shake out as you described.
A trip to twitter confirmed that to be true.
It’s fair to say you come here to troll every post I make. No one’s buying it Ryan, sorry.
Not every post. But if you think what I do here is trolling, you owe Mrs. Rambo and a whole lot of others an apology.
Ms. Rambo attacked me first. I had never talked to her before she called my writing “egregious stupidity” on a hate website. She never apologized for that. Maybe she should.
I believe it was a conclusion of yours that she called egregiously stupid, and while you wrote that conclusion, it wasn’t your writing she was calling stupid. Your conclusion was egregiously stupid.
Sack up.
Awww, you edited my post. OK, I think we all know what you are.
I did? I don’t edit posts cept my own.
A pretty nice guy who tolerates you?
I did not write “It’s a bad look for SFWA’s president to be attacking writers they don’t know.”
Ahh sorry I must have clicked on the wrong one. Deleted that.
Huh. From what I’ve read on your blog, it looks like you’re the leading whining voice in SF.
Why don’t you use your real name if you’re so brave and armchair quarterbacky.
Doesn’t believe Jon. Immediately believes Twitter.
Whatever you say, there, Ryan.
Hi “Wilson”. I went to twitter to confirm Jon’s description of what occurred on twitter. So yeah, I believe what occurred on twitter occurred on twitter and it differed from Jon’s account.
The “Leading Hispanic Voice in SF”? Really? Before James Stevens-Arce? Before Ernest Hogan? Before anyone I’ve actually heard of before Cat Rambo started bitching about him on Facebook? It takes a lot more books before anyone is the leading whatever kind of voice. You’re not there yet. Not by a long shot.
And as far as “doing your journalism”, let me give you a nickel’s worth of free advice: Journalists don’t write articles about themselves with third-person headlines. Journalists don’t use flawed methodologies to pen skewed opinion pieces. And journalists don’t ask for the president of a professional organization to get kicked out for being “mean to them.” The SFWA can’t ruin your career. You’re an indie. Sack up, dude.
U mad?
No, not mad. Just laughing hysterically at your presumption. It takes a lot of cajones to say you’re the leading Hispanic voice in your field, when your only notoriety comes from sniping at people online. But whatevs.
My notoriety comes from my award nominated books.
If that were the case, I would have heard of you before Cat Rambo outed you for trolling her.
Big world out there I discover new writers every day. She trolled me first. Hopefully you check out the books and discover fun and not politics. Thanks for caring and reading.
So you deleted my entire comment on this post. Good to know I was right about your journalistic “ethics.”
I did?
My bad. Came back earlier and didn’t see my post for some reason.