This has been in the works for a long time, and I’m quite excited to see Bryce Beattie’s Storyhack come to fruition. In the storied tradition of great magazines like Cirsova and Astounding Frontiers, Storyhack promotes making science fiction fun again, focusing on both genres: Action and Adventure.
Their first issue features the first Weird West story I’ve written since working for the Doomtown: Reloaded card game in the Deadlands universe. “Taking Control” is about a thief who’s getting a bit too old for the gun-and-run game, and is looking for a better way to make a living. I know my readers will find some magic in the solution to her problems:
It also features stories by some fantastic writers who are up and coming in the field. Jay Barnson, Julie Frost and John M. Olsen among them. A phenomenal line up.
If you’re into identity politics and all that: this is a story about an aging female protagonist by a Hispanic author. Wow! Talk about exciting identity. So diverse!
Yes, there’s every reason to buy this magazine no matter who you are :). Check it out!
And four authors from Utah this time, because Utah is a happenin’ place, man.
I’ll be picking this up in a couple of days