You may have seen a lot of my postings already but if you follow the blog and not my social media, I just wanted to give a big thank you to all my readers for supporting this effort! It’s a big message to the cultural elites regardless of the fact that they went DEAD SILENT on it — it goes to show how truly afraid they are of our rise.
Like the title says, no comic book has ever been this successful in a crowd fund, and for good reason. Compelling characters, great writers, some even better artists now coming on board. I’m very excited for how this turns out. We couldn’t have done it without all of your loyal support though. This is really your message you are sending, and we on the team know that and will take care to ensure it does you honor as readers.
On my end — I have 2 books and an RPG campaign supplement to write for you all, and I’m very excited to do so. It’s going to be awhile before these come out, just because the comics need to get done first, and I need those as reference, but we will execute and we will deliver a great product for you in all forms of Alt-Hero. Part of the reason we’re successful is we work harder than anyone else in the business, and this project will be no different.
I have a lot more coming very soon, so stay tuned. I’ll announce as applicable. Right now I can announce that we’ve contracted an audiobook reader for For Steam And Country. She will begin recording on November 6th. She’s amazingly professional and sounds awesome!
Thank you again everyone for the support. Still not tired of winning!
And if you haven’t checked out For Steam And Country yet, do read what many are calling the hottest Steampunk of 2017 available on Amazon here.
Jon, congratulations to you and everyone involved in the Alt-Hero project. What a great time this is to be a science fiction and comics fan.
Thank you!!!
Congratulations! I’m looking forward to the comics, the novels, the forum, the rpg, and everything that builds from it. The freestartr campaign results have proven a rather voracious market demand. Alt*Hero could very well be a beach head for reclaiming the world of comics.
Thanks! 🙂
Oh yeah? How can you call yourself successful, you White Nazi, when you couldn’t even clear a quarter million dollars! Why, it only takes our REAL comics 5-8 months to earn that, if not longer, with characters that have been around for 50 years! So THERE! /Marvel Sock Off
Jon, you gosh-darn white supremacist, you! Get to writing those Alt-Hero books I invested in so I can demonstrate to all the SJW haters what a racist crowd I hang with! I need cred, man!
Seriously, I’m very pleased you’re working AH and I’m looking forward to your work!
Thanks! I’m excited to. I gotta get Von Monocle 2 done first though. I told vox that when I signed on 🙂