I know everyone is waiting on my information with SFWA where I have hard evidence the board of the organization conspired to ensure I was blacklisted within a single day of my application, and then took a full month to invent a reason to justify it. It was pure discrimination over my being an outspoken political figure, and even a lot of authors on the left are seeing how dangerous the precedent is of turning the organization from a professional guild with objective standards to “we’re going to let in who we like or not.”
But there’s something far more important than me that needs addressing.
Will Caligan came to national prominence last week, as PJ Media exposed that he was blacklisted as a comic artist because of stating his very reasonable thoughts against a male on male sexual assault that was in the media at the time. The outrage brigade went after him and took away his jobs as an artist, urged the blacklisting of him from other companies, and tried to defame and destroy him.
Whereas I’m a commentator for large media outlets, Will is just your average guy trying to make a living. Moreover, he’s a disabled veteran who served America proudly, and is a true brave warrior. The fact that he would face this kind of discrimination is appalling and we must do everything we can for him. We cannot leave someone like Will behind.
And we’re not. That’s why there’s a new crowdfund campaign to keep Will working in comics. Vox Day has donated any property published through Castalia House — backers choice, for Will to be able to draw via adaptation. As of this writing, it’s already raised $11,600 for him. Moreover, comic legend, Chuck Dixon, creator of Bane for Batman, has donated his time in order to pen a script for Will to draw.
Please support this effort and help a great guy who’s been blacklisted.
A positive action for Will, which also heaps burning coals on the heads of his enemies. As others have said, this is a great way to focus and win, buy building up what the barbarian forces of Anti-civilization are tearing down.
Bonus: A great story will get a graphic presentation!
Very exciting stuff! And the campaign crushed it on day one!
I’m another disabled veteran, more than that I am a conservative/libertarian bisexual woman who also believes that all the surgery in the world will not change biology or DNA. Though I cannot afford to donate I wanted to state that I support Will Caligan and his work. This sort of liberal fascism (despite their denials of such a thing) cannot be allowed to stand if we are to maintain our Republic.