My new site went live today so I’m just posting a new test post to see how this funcitons. So far it looks pretty slick compared to my last one — I know you can’t see the backend interface but it’s pretty great.

Images are easy to post Even cooler, I can wrap the text around images. So much fancier than I did with the old site!
I can format stuff way cooler than before. Above is my new character RoboToad, from RoboToad: Rekt Manlet, the comic which has a campaign up — only 4 days left. You can check it out here.
And now I’ve tested pictures and hyperlinks. Woo hoo! Thanks for bearing with me while we got this site updated and modernized. I think it’s well-worth the wait as it’s a MUCH better system.
Tomorrow we’ll be getting our regular blog content going again. I’m very excited to get back to it.
Talk to you soon!
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