Welcome back everyone. It’s been about three weeks since I’ve blogged, and I hope you’ve missed it as much as I have.
As far as what I’ve been up to — I’ve been stuck in quarantine with the rest of you. Which you might think would lead to more writing because I’ve less to do, but it’s been quite the opposite experience for me over here, mainly because my two kids are home 100% of time and with me.
I do have my new crowdfund, RoboToad: Rekt Manlet which only has 2 days left and I hope you’ll back this great monster comic! It’s probably my best outing outside of my main series, Flying Sparks.
But the truth on writing and COVID is:
It means I’ve become a homeschooler.
It means I’ve become a house cleaner.
It means I have a lot of loud noise and running around all of the time because two boys is like two bulls in a china shop when stuck in a house.
And the result is less stretches of time where I can concentrate, which is needed to create a cohesive story.
It’s a bummer in some ways, but it’s also good to have learned some new skills, keep my space cleaner and disinfected. In some ways I’m grateful for the mindset shift about life in general.
But we’re okay over here, no diseases so far (thankfully), and at least ready to get the blog back up and functioning to provide you interesting thoughts and analyses on what’s going on in the entertainment world and beyond.
The old site went kaput because I had it on an old server software which stopped being supported. I’ve needed to change things for awhile but never wanted to deal with it. Since it actually went down, it forced me to address the problem.
This site is new and pretty awesome — I hope you’ll poke around and let me know what you think. It’s more commerce focused as I’m going to use landing pages to create better ad campaigns and get more people involved in this budding movement to create new and great works.
I’m also eager to test out the comments section and see how it goes so say hi if you’re back with me! I miss you guys.
A writer, writes, always.
I pity the boys being taught by you. Why they might actually learn things.
The person who I pity is your poor sainted wife. She has to put up with you.
What about your dedication to your fans. What about the price of tea in china
Fans are supposed to dedicate themselves to me not the other way around 😉
I am dedicated to samantha.. she needs all the help she can get.
Like the new layout.
Nice, congrats on the updated site!