Ready for the adventure of a lifetime?
It’s no secret that I’m in love with the old pulps of science fiction from the Golden Age. The way they hold action paramount, have incredible heroes who defy all odds, and maintain a sense of wonder and excitement about every aspect of the book — it inspires me to create my own worlds that bring back real heroism.
Which is the mission of The Cosmic Warrior — true heroism returned. Real values for heroes existing. A good vs. evil struggle. Big action and big excitement on a planetary scale.
Ever since I’ve started comics, you’ve been asking for a book more like this. An epic story, a strong, male lead, beautiful art, The Cosmic Warrior has it all.
In many ways, this is a grand experiment, launching this series on Amazon with no crowdfund, and part of the great model I want to build.
This is where you can come in to make sure The Cosmic Warrior is a huge success.
The book has high quality art that is expensive to make — I have put all of my profits from my crowdfunds back into comics to try to make sure you can get great MONTHLY books for reasonable prices. It’s a low price to check it out on digital at $3.99, the print version at $7.99 because of the costs.
This is a REAL competition with the mainstream industry.
If you want comics just like The Cosmic Warrior, this is your chance to make sure to send the industry a signal and make sure it takes off. There’s very few books out there that will cater to you as an audience, and The Cosmic Warrior is the standard-bearer of great books in 2020,
The story unfolds with Blue Angels pilot Daniel Sawyer snatched from his spectacular flight to an unknown alien world where a war is brewing–and only he can stop it.
I guarantee a fun story you’ll enjoy. I’ve committed to a second issue — it’s already made and ready to be released next month. My goal with this is to have an ongoing pulp hero like the greats of before, and I’m hoping you’ll enjoy this book and be thrilled as this new storyline unfolds as you have seen with the way I’ve developed Flying Sparks.
Check out the book here on Amazon.

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