I want to thank author Hans Schantz for running this sale as he does every year, one of the best guys in the business and someone worth following if you don’t already.
But every memorial day he runs a big sale with a TON of books in it, by authors who are good friends of mine or at least on the proverbial team. You can peruse the whole sale offering on his site here.
It’s a HUGE amount of books to go through.
I can personally recommend Brian Niemeier’s Combat Frame X-Seed if you enjoy mecha books.
Daniel Humphreys’ A Place Outside The Wild if you like zombies.
And Jon Mollison’s A Moon Full Of Stars for the oldschool pulp sci-fi feel.
If you wanted to start my book series, this is also a great time to do so.
For Steam And Country is the beginning of my Steampunk series, which is on sale for 99 Cents. I also meant to put books 2 and 3 at 2.99 for the sale but I accidentally put The Fight For Rislandia at 99 cents as well so scoop it up because of my mistake.
And also my Justified: Saga of the NanoTemplar book 1 is on sale at 99 cents. This series is often regarded by folk as a favorite so you’ll definitely want to get in.

Lots of fun reading for the weekend and more. Hope you enjoy, all!
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