It started on September 3rd 2018. I remember the date vividly as I couldn’t believe what was happening.
Vox Day opened up an imprint to allow small creators to use his printer discount on behalf of #ComicsGate, something that would have helped take the burden of production off of the smallest indie creators and help flourish a stronger and more united independent community. Knowing that Ethan Van Sciver had done everything he could to jump on the #ComicsGate brand, Vox ran the idea by Ethan in email to make sure Ethan was on board, and Ethan said yes.
It looked like a dawn of a new day for indie comics.
Until Ethan manipulated the situation into a power play to control the few fans under his umbrella.
In a move completely the opposite as he’d been telling Vox, Ethan took to his show and put Vox Day on blast, and his rabid, angry, outrage-prone fans went and brigaded Vox Day as a result.
Instead of getting great printer discounts, Vox was character assassinated. Anyone who called him friend got the same treatment. Ethan and his fans started becoming just like the SJWs they claimed to despise — screeching “alt right racist” at me and others in an attempt to character assassinate and destroy anyone who didn’t go along with their narrative.
All because Vox wanted to help out some small indie creators.
I tried to talk to them for help. Ro Kabir Kumar, Ethan’s right-hand man, started sending me messages saying “some people are concerned about you” — a tactic which was ultimately used to attack me himself. He took it so far he started making threats about beheading me to the actual hardcore SJWs in DM trying to “get dirt on me”. Why he attempted to work with them, we still don’t know to this day.
I tried to get the creators like Mike Miller, Jon Malin, and Donal Delay to stop the nonsense. This was supposed to be about comic books and building an alternative industry, but they were not the type of people who would stand up against the mob — in fact, they joined it.
Malin called me an asshole when I reached out for help.
Miller started attacking my Christianity on Twitter.
Donal Delay said he wanted to punch me in the face — a bizarre B. Clay Moore-like threat.
These guys became everything they hated to try to appease an angry mob. Why? Because that mob throws money at the books when they’re outraged. It’s in their benefit to keep it going.
It IS the SJW playbook exactly.
I tried to warn folk since this time, but only got attacked over and over because about these folk, it’s identity politics. It’s the tribal team you’re on, which is now what #ComicsGate has become, and not actually about producing quality comics and creating an industry alternative.
Production wise, I’ve left these guys in the dust, having fulfilled 5 crowdfunds and produced 22 issues of comics in the time it’s taken these guys to make 48 pages. They spend their days livestreaming and attacking new “enemies” every week like Don Quixote chasing windmills, while creators like myself and Tim Lim who were shunned by them are constantly coming out with excellent comics.
But this week things have started to change. The outrage mob they’ve created has now turned on them. They’re coalescing together trying to “stand against the mob”, the very angry outraged group they created by telling their audiences “you should hate this person becuase of their identity” over and over.
There’s no damage control. Looking at twitter it’s like a minefield. #ComicsGate is finally imploding, and it’s been inevitable since this day in September 2018.
I’m just surprised it took this long.
Power doesn’t change people.It reveals them.
This is coming in late, but this is a classic CIA move. When Saddam Hussein calls you and asks if he can invade Kuwait, you say yes, then use his attack as a pretext to start a war of your own.
Vox is a POS white supremacist + autistic retard + a bad comic book creator. He is therefore not an ally to ComicsGate, but a major problem. He is a pathological contrarian who has his head stuck so far up his ass he thought Trump was going to overthrow the US government on Jan 21st 2021.
I’m glad Uncle Ethan showed him the door. I’m sorry he ever talked to Vox.
This is what I would expect the Cringe Gamma Males who like Ethan Van Sciver to say.
All lies, toeing the “War Campaign” partyline, and having their heads up their own asses about how Ethan is somehow saving comics by anklebiting creators of actually good comics and comics publishers.