Every day goes by it flabbergasts me why these entertainment brands want to stand with people who are utterly devastating cities, the communities around them, and just causing wanton destruction across our nation.
If I were conspiracy minded, I might think these giant mega-corporate entertainment companies were attempting to destroy small businesses so they could gobble up cheap real estate and embed themselves further without competition from mom and pops, to create a true corporate hegemony.
But the boots on the ground are just posting virtue signaling nonsense. Let’s start with Star Wars actor, John Boyega, who stunning-and-brave played a hapless black man who fell on his face for 3 movies while a white woman saved him:
First, he’s taking zero risk for his career. He’s just aping the exact same talking points as the entire Disney Corporation and every other entertainment conglomerate. If he wanted to take a risk — he could speak out on the death of officer David Dorn who was shot and killed by looters and rioters that Bodega’s supporting.
Second, it’s very easy to go out for a PR opp and say “I’m taking a risk!” as a multi-gorillionaire who made money off of star wars. He never NEEDs to work again. His whole life is simply, a position of privilege.
That people fall for this and clap for these performance arts from literal performers is beyond me.
But there’s more, coming from The Walking Dead TV Show’s official account:
A TV Show account — people follow for NEWS ABOUT THEIR TV SHOW — is surprised they lost a few followers for misusing the official account, not someone’s personal account, for virtue signaliing.
Of course, they did. No one wants to have their feeds cluttered with absolute nonsense and the same corporate spiel over and over. They are not adding anything interesting, unique, or any insight to any discussion. They are not important. More over, no one watches The Walking Dead anymore because they botched the show so badly.
Get woke, go broke.
These are just two examples of hundreds and thousands of virtue signaling corporate goons who are spouting the exact same meaningless nonsense in solidarity for something they don’t even have an idea what they’re saying. There’s a good meme for it:

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