All of comics internet was losing their minds because of a post by a site I won’t link regarding “whisper circles” in comics. It came down to a bunch of women in a facebook group bitching about men.
Everyone is “shocked and appalled” by this, and of course the site that posted the article’s owners engage in this very same behavior, making fake-news hit pieces about independent creators like me in order to try to harm careers on behalf of Ethan Van Sciver.
The very same whisper groups exist in Ethan’s circles as do with the group they posted, it’s just the difference is it’s a bunch of gamma male men engaging in gossip behavior rather than a bunch of women.
Women are expected to act like this. It’s what they do. They gossip, they destroy each other. It’s really a very simple solution — don’t listen to women or involve them in anything important if it’s not your wife. Then you don’t have a problem in your life.
When men do it, it’s a different animal altogether.
I watched as Ethan’s whisper group swore and raged about destroying Vox Day back in 2018, which they’d done to Timothy Lim a month prior, and I’m sure they did the same to others afterward as they pick their targets of the week for their drama livestreams. They coordinated the very same social media attacks with the same people that this article keeps telling us women are bad for.
It was here where the threats of violence started against me because I refused to disavow a friend for their cancel culture. Donal Delay started ranting about punching me, not aware I was in the group. Ro Kabir was in the group, famous for the strange death threats that came later, also caused by these whisper groups.
These are nasty, horrible people who are pushing violence and death threats — while the women in the examples are mostly posting about creepy male feminists badly trying to flirt with them, and then taking them down publicly for it.
One, I don’t care about the creepy male feminists in the industry or some amateur women artists larping like what they say matters. Let them eat their own.
Let’s focus on what’s important and what we can do ourselves — improving the men around us so we can all get better and deliver what’s important. That means ending men’s “whisper circles” cuz it’s absolutely idiotic.
It’s no wonder I’ve been able to put out 24 issues of comics while Ethan has only released one. He’s busy gossiping in his own fake women’s circle.
You can still get in on RoboToad here with a brand new variant cover — limited only to this campaign.
This may be a male whisper circle, Jon, but it certainly is *not* one composed of men