SFWA posted a job offer for someone to cull through blog posts and do initial edits on Wednesday.
Much like their other initiatives as of late, it’s the color of one’s skin which is most important to them, not the content of one’s work:
BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) and other marginalized candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. This position pays a modest stipend monthly and will begin in August 2020, with a possibility of renewal in August 2021. The position will require roughly 15-20 hrs per month.
Modest stipend usually looks like $100-$200 or so as a token payment in these situations. Isn’t it interesting that they want to prefer to use minorities for their slave-labor ?
Regardless, the Leading Hispanic Voice will be sending in an application. I’m sure there’s no California employment laws about discrimination based on race or anything like that they should worry about…
I’m fuckin purple does that mean I can apply ,Them people suck they really need to GROW THE FUCK UP they acting like kids BOO HOO NOT ALL WHITES ATRE LIKE THEM SORRY ASS COPS GET A LIFE AND QUIT BEING A BIG ASS PUSSY
Discrimination in any form is unacceptable. Please do not send me any emails from now on. I do not support discrimination or that anyone is better than anyone else. Unless we are all equal, oppression reigns.
I think you missed the point. I agree.
So they violate basic human rights now, too?
Not just now, this has been happening for awhile.
I bet they don’t get the best words for $2 an hour.