I guess they want the declining ratings of the NFL and a total destruction of a sport that’s already in peril.
Cuz nothing says “I’m making real change” more than a bunch of millionaire white guys kneeling subserviently while their female coach prominently displays her facemask.
It’s gone full tilt. They don’t realize people watch guys with sticks hitting balls to get away from this nonsense. When it’s shoved in their faces here too, people are simply going to stop watching.
Including me. I’ve already sent in my email waiving my season tickets for next year.
The NFL has at least one female game official … who appears to know what she’s doing and is certainly no worse than the average member of an officiating squad. I have _zero_ problems with that. I do have problems with the NFL going out of its way to politicize the game and to apply radically different policies for some favoured political activism than for what I believe are more popular but disfavoured things.
I don’t follow other sports (and the more political the NFL gets, the lower my interest drops), but at some point they’ll either clue in that alienating the paying fans is an existentially bad idea or they’ll suddenly discover that they’ve activism’d themselves out of business.
They don’t care about money or fans though.
MLB’s social media is actively promoting players kneeling for the anthem. Can’t support this just like NASCAR and the NFL. There are way to many things to hold my interest without letting them piss me off. I’ll bet there are some AAA teams that would love the support.