As if I didn’t have enough to worry about with having an army of haters who stalk my releases and leave one stars to try to tank my ratings and future sales, now Amazon is treating my real readers like this:

How am I supposed to get honest reviews when they’re hidden and deemed “too sensitive” for Amazon customers? The book is PG, nothing remotely sensitive there, and the review in question had no cursing, nothing which could even be construed as offensive. This worries me tremendously as I’m launching a new book, The Stars Asunder, this week.
Clearly the books are being targeted because someone over there knows who I am.
This is why it’s imperative the books get as many reviews as possible to get through the filter system. It’s needed!
Of most use to me now would be Colony Launch and Flying Sparks Issue #1 for advertising purposes.
Hopefully you aren’t marked “sensitive” too.
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