Last night was so inspiring. The president delivered a message of hope, showing exactly why America is exceptional, our freedom is unapralleled, and our destiny is one ordained by God Almighty to transform this world into something great.
The fireworks underlined the light in the darkness, the path forward, the bombs bursting in air, and made me reflect on our journey here for our movement to push this great American culture in a healthy and wondrous direction through science fiction and comics.
God’s blessed me with talents beyond most of the field in science fiction, fantasy, and comics, and on top of it, a clear vision of what needs to be done with the work not only to produce greatness for my own edification, but to do glory to His name and bring a return to hope, heroism, and the exceptionalism of mankind to fiction and culture.
It’s been missing for a long time, and the trials and tribulations, the struggles, the blacklisting, the bannings, they all were trials given to me to push me to outwork and out-innovate the competition, which is the true American way of winning.
It was only three short years ago, the leaders of science fiction publishing, many writers in the field all told me I was destined for failure. I was mocked, scorned, ostracized, made to feel alone because of their ugly cancel culture.
Though I had a book doing well, all of them kept saying I’d be out of the field within a year or two. Writing is “too hard”. I would never make it.
Now, in 2020, I look on having released 13 books, three of which have been number one bestsellers in three different genres. On top of it, Twenty-Three issues of comics, several of which have also been bestsellers, with a comic industry that has treated me almost worse than the science fiction industry has.
What we’ve learned is the gatekeepers, the naysayers don’t matter. For all their screeching, we can create a real cultural movement that knows no bounds if we work for it — because we are American.
If I’m told something is impossible, I’m going to push harder to create and make the impossible into reality. That’s the whole vision of science fiction, the sense of wonder, the sense of achievement, the sense of greatness, and it’s important to remember it.
Thanks everyone for a great new release day on Wednesday for The Stars Asunder. It’s another book in a great list to be proud of, and there will be plenty more to come. Without you and your readership — you exception Americans an God-fearing people who are so diligent an wonderful in your own right — none of this would be possible. Thank you so much for being there and reading.
Together for the next 4 years, we are going to make science fiction better, make science fiction stronger, and make science fiction greater!
God bless all of you.
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“Joe Biden is not America’s savior . . . America has only one Savior – Almighty God.” Completely summed up the drastic differences between Us and Them. President Trump is the man that God has chosen for this hour. I firmly believe that!