Archives for September 2020
Paypal BANS Popular Comic YouTuber!
It’s Not Just A Comic
The best part about backing my books, is your’e not just helping to produce a single comic, waiting for a year, hoping there will be something else. You’re making an entire comic line of MONTHLY books happen. When we started all of this, the whole point was to create a real industry alternative which would […]
HIRED BY MARVEL: Flying Sparks Fields Marvel Comics’ Next Superstar!!!
Manga Review: Fly Me To The Moon Volume 1
The “Conservative Take” On Taxes
In many ways, Coulter is right in that the tax code is such a mess, so difficult to comprehend, so easy to abuse for people with substantive amounts of money (or corporations likewise), that something needs to be done, and yet the politicians on both sides of the aisle will do nothing about it because […]
X-Men Epic Collection Volume 6 Proteus Review
Conway To Comic Industry: CANCEL EVERYTHING!
Comic Culture Change Starts HERE!
Three years ago, we started a movement to change the culture through comics. It started with an observation — the entire industry through Marvel and DC had gone completely haywire in what they were producing, who they were hiring, and most importantly who they were not hiring. It seemed they weren’t interested in actual talent […]