I don’t want to get too hippie here, but I sensed an energy shift in everything about a week ago.
This hit for politics, spiritual life, everything. It’s been a major positive thing and I’ve seen results through book sales.vAmazon’s taken off. I can’t explain it. It’s just in the background but it’s booming.
And yesterday, we launched Flying Sparks Volume 4, my newest installment on Kickstarter.
We got to more than 100 backers in one day, the fastest any of my crowdfunds have ever funded. We also FULLY FUNDED in 24 hours. It’s absolutely huge. People really came in and it’s because word of mouth is spreading — and the energy is in the right direction.
Our culture is changing. People are seeing the corporate for what it is. They’re seeing who the REAL indie alternatives are, the ones who will represent them with great books, with true morals, and with a purpose.
Thank you all for being a part of this movement. You’re the ones that make everything possible every single day. I really appreciate it and will deliver my best for you every time.
Back Flying Sparks if you haven’t already. The storyline will wow you.

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