Archives for September 2020
What is my vision for culture?
Austin Food Part 3: Franklin Barbecue
Franklin Barbecue has to be the most talked about place in Austin as far as food goes. It’s supposed to be the pinnacle of BBQ in the entire world, at least, Texas BBQ. People line up for 3-5 hours, get there at absurd times in the morning just to try to snag the meat before […]
Silver Surfer Epic Collection Volume 9 Resurrection Review
Kanye To Culture: NO MORE WOKE!
If anyone has their finger on the cultural button, thinking ahead into the future, it’s Kanye West. We’ve seen the radical transformation in his life, and the man has a gift of prophecy which is undeniable. When he starts going on about “woke culture”, people need to, pardon the expression, wake up. This element of […]
The Ditko 32 Series Volume 3 Review
A Taste of Austin Part 2: Tacos And New American
After my robust BBQ ribs, I was not hungry at all yesterday. That didn’t stop me from eating. My lunch stop was Veracruz All Natural Tacos, oddly situated as a food truck out in a residential district. Apparently they have 3 or 4 locations of these food trucks scattered throughout Austin. It’s a weird set […]
The Missionaries by Owen Stanley Book Review
The Search For Best Barbecue In Austin Part 1: Salt Lick
You didn’t realize you were looking at a food blog, did you? Well, for folk who have been here long enough, you learn that I write about whatever the heck I feel like at the time, and right now, it’s great BBQ food. When I travel, I do an immense amount of research on the […]