These corporate comics have given up any pretense of professional writing or editing. They’re so full-tilt off the scale into their anti-white kool-aid, I’m surprised they still have readers left.
As more migrate away, it’s good news for books like Flying Sparks which have heroes fighting villains like comics are supposed to do, free from the “gotcha tweet turned dialogue” about white man bad.
You can still get in on Volume 4 on BackerKit here and enjoy what comics should be — we’re going to print now so don’t delay any longer!

“White guy with a good complex”? You mean like Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Bernie Sanders? Or, like all the white guys on ABCNNBCBS? Who are constantly telling minorities who they’re required to vote for?
These comics are so off-the-rails nutso.
What’s Batgirl doing talking to Iron Man?
haha, best take. Savage Velocity review going up soon!
Why is Batgirl wearing a blimp costume?
The artwork is all broken in that panel. Like, it hurts to look at it.
John, Bubby, Honey, Sweetheart… You MUST stop asking questions like that. The Fascist Left take it as a challenge.