Archives for December 2020
JDA’s DEFINITIVE Top 10 Graphic Novels Of 2020 List!
SJW Comics Pros Take Another L
You might have seen me rabble rousing yesterday about a former Marvel Comics writer Sean McKeever. He took to twitter to be a complete dick to me for my “crime” of having bought his book directly from his online store (to help support him) and giving it a positive review. This isn’t abnormal in the […]
SHOCK: Spider-Man Writer Tweets BIZARRE Racist Tirade Against The Leading Hispanic Voice!
The Case Of The Missing Zorro Graphic Novel
In the 90s, Don McGregor was your Zorro writer. He penned one of the most famous Zorro runs from Topps Comics, as well as a daily syndicated newspaper strip. Those were cancelled, and a small start up company called Papercutz got the license for Zorro in the early 2000s. Papercutz is a company that specializes […]
Over The Top And Dark- Ultimates By Jonathan Hickman Review
BASED KANYE: Surprise Drop Like You Won’t Believe! Check It Out
What’s In A Name?
I came across a very interesting blog from Marvel editor Tom Brevoort today, which went over a claim that Ditko/Lee recycled characters and ideas through their stories. When you’re coming out with as many stories as they did, looks, names, ideas get recycled to some degree. It doesn’t make one incarnation less original than any […]
ADVANCE REVIEW: Ditko Shrugged – The New Definitive Steve Ditko Biography
Alec Baldwin’s Wife Outed As Fake Spanish
Really funny moments on Twitter this morning. Baldwin’s wife, who goes by “Hilaria” even though her real name is “Hillary” has been caught faking being Spanish this entire time. Apparently, the Baldwins have a stalker who brought forth evidence of Hilaria faking an accent while she’s been getting interviews in Latina Magazine and the like […]