You might have seen me rabble rousing yesterday about a former Marvel Comics writer Sean McKeever. He took to twitter to be a complete dick to me for my “crime” of having bought his book directly from his online store (to help support him) and giving it a positive review.
This isn’t abnormal in the comic industry. These comic pros act like this all the time. They care more about who they think you are than even selling their own books, which is why they’re so far in the tanks.
50% of the country is conservative, so when someone like McKeever signals he hates conservatives in the industry, it means people won’t be buying his books. Morever, there’s a big bell curve in the middle of people who don’t like seeing people being attacked over their identity.
On the other hand, all he did was boost my profile by being awful to me. We’re less than 24 hours into his tirade and he’s sold me 17 books, gained me 25 followers, and 10 youtube subscribers. Not bad for having some guy attack me.
It never pays. But maybe I’ll review these guys books positively more often if this is the result! I like selling books and getting new readers.
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Hahaha yes! Definitely need more of that!