Archives for January 2021
Rare 70s Horror- The Ditko Charlton Reprints Package
SJW Insanity: Avengers Artist CANCELED For Posting What He Likes To Eat!
WandaVision: Is it Any Good? A Professional Comic Writer’s Thoughts!
Hedge Fund Heroic Dungeon Raids! Stock Trading Is The New World of Warcraft!
Who New Stonks Were The Funnest Vidya All Along?
There’s real money on the line! Grab your controllers, frens, and let’s play MMO-GMEAMC! It’s been an absolutely crazy week. Trading was shut down yesterday because the boomers didn’t like gamers getting in on this action, but everything is back up this morning and we’re showing we have more collective power than they do. It’s […]
RESULTS: Is the Spiffing Brit’s YouTube Algorithm Glitch REAL?
The Empire Strikes Back: Wall Street COLLUDES To Shut Down Reddit People’s Ability To Buy Stocks!
The Dankstream #13: We Are The Hedge Funds Now
Going to JAIL For Making MEMES? It’s Already Happening
STOCK SCARE: Gamers Target Hedge Funds By Manipulating GameStop – What It All Means!
The Gamestop Hijinx Shows It Should Be Illegal To “Short” Stock
If you’ve watched Gamestop over the last few days, its stock price has gone up to absurd levels, over $300 a share from this morning, more than 1000% its price at the beginning of the week. It’s because a bunch of gamers from Reddit/4Chan got together and decided to inflate the stock price, and gamers […]