Archives for January 2021
Delenn – The Last, Best Female Character
If you missed the news last night, actress Mira Furlan died at 65. She was one of my favorites because of her incredible job on the show, Babylon 5. She had an accent which came from Yugoslavia, and it really added to the character to make it work really well. Moreover Delenn showed what a […]
The Dankstream #11: Board Game Cancel Culture! WatchItPlayed YouTuber Gets Game CEO FIRED!
Fantasy Fanzine CANCELED By Fan News Site For Promoting Their Own Zine!
Why Representation Doesn’t Matter
Star Trek: Picard had an annoying scene tacked onto the end of it where Seven of Nine stroked hands with another woman in a suggestive way. There was no build up to this, the characters had hardly interacted in the show, there was no point to it other than virtue signaling, I assume in hopes […]
Golden Age Jack Kirby – The Adventures Of The Fly!
The Dankstream Episode #10: The Inauguration Edition
Sad Puppies Fantasy Author Larry Correia BANNED From His Own Facebook Group!
Picard Is The Star Trek Of Our Times
It seems so distant now, Gene Roddenberry’s vision of all kinds of people working together, exploring strange new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilizations. He had a dream where conflict was resolved, mostly between the US and the Soviet Union, the eternal superpowers who once they worked out their differences, we could really […]
FACEBOOK CENSORSHIP On A Whole New Level: BANNED From Group Posting For No Reason!
At Least Li’l Wayne’s Getting Pardoned
Trump also praised Lil Wayne as an activist and a “really nice guy.” Weezy got a lot of criticism for their pow wow, but it seems he’s on track to reap a big reward for it now. As we reported … Wayne pled guilty in federal court last month to illegally possessing a loaded weapon while traveling […]
They’d Cancel Martin Luther King
We have a day named after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which is today. But let’s be honest, every SJW out there these days would cancel him based on this statement alone: “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their […]