Amazing! Miraculous! Biden’s been in office two weeks and COVID is cured!
If you believe this, I have a lot of Dogecoin to sell you for a dollar a coin.
When Biden took office, the medical industry abruptly changed their testing procedures. What they originally called COVID under a major test they now changed and did not mark as positive unless someone took a second test confirming their case. This has a dramatic impact on the numbers because so many people were getting false positives for months. They magically “found” this when Biden took office.
We’ve also seen that mask compliance rates, lockdowns, none of it impacts the amount of cases. On the flip side, the flu and cold have all but disappeared from our society. Literally everything was getting called a COVID case even when people got the flu last year. There were instances I’ve observed personally where someone was marked as dead from COVID when upon testing, the corpse showed no signs of the virus.
This has all been one big scam to shut down the economy and punish the populace for having put Trump in office, and was used as an excuse to rig an election through fake mail in ballots.
The media won’t talk about this, even the right wing media, because everyone’s going to memory hole COVID just like they did everything else as they slowly open everything up. Two weeks from now, you’ll be told to be outraged about something else which will distract you as you move on with your lives.
But look at the numbers. The Biden Administration has not had time to do anything for COVID. No policies have been implemented, nothing has changed other than they no longer call what they called a positive test last month positive now.
COVID is fake. The pandemic is fake. The election was fake. What else are the elites pushing that isn’t real?
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