Deus Vult had my strongest first two days ever. We’re fast approaching $10,000 which usually takes me a couple of weeks to get to when I’m making a crowdfund.
What this tells me is I was right about what people want from comics:
- Classic-style art that feels like Marvel from the 70s
- Pulp-style storylines like Conan / John Carter with a strong male lead
- Christian heroes with real morals
- Sci-Fi and fantasy genres
This is what I want to bring the culture back to. This is what we’ve been beating the drum for for the last several years, and it’s coming together for real. Thank you so much for being the best readers in the business — now that we’ve had our launch, the harder part is coming, keeping momentum going, which means folk like you need to keep sharing these posts, get them on social media, help new people to discover this.
You’ve done a great job signal boosting so far, we are building the best community of readers on the internet. Onward and upward!

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