We now live in a. world where Mr. Potatohead has to be canceled. Why? Are the 5 year olds who are the target demographic offended by the word “Mister” existing?
Probably not. But idiot mentally ill adults are.
But I’ve noticed a trend. This came especially after I saw an ad from democrat candidates here in California:

To save you having to read that, they list their endorsements as “self-identified females” or “other than self-identified females.”
If only there were a word for that.
We’re in such a crazy clown world, people can’t just say basic things like “Mr. Potatohead” anymore without it being somehow offensive to the weak-brained nutjobs. The real problem is, everyone’s catering to them.
Pretty soon you won’t be able to say the word “the” because it somehow upsets a weirdo.
But this is why we need alternatives to corporate culture that don’t pretend up is down, left is right, and wrong is right. We need real heroes, real stories, real truth, and my team is providing it in DEUS VULT — beautiful art in a classic style which makes zero apologies. Back it today.
Fiber arts – particularly knitting, crochet, and small independent yarn dyers – have been under heavy attack by sjws for at least two years now. Ravelry dot com (the largest fiber arts site out there) canceled half their membership, declaring conservative views and Trump supporters were unwelcome. Lists were being circulated by liberals of fiber-related companies owned by conservatives, to boycott until they capitulated to the left. Conservatives would use the lists as “buy here” recommendations until the companies capitulated.
It was a huge uproar among the fiber arts community! If anything, cancel culture took root among women acting like middle schoolers and spread to the general population.