Archives for March 2021
Twitter: You Must Fear The Gays
I guess that’s the message here for suspending me. I have a couple of comic book SJWs harassing me constantly, calling me all sorts of names who won’t stop, and while that’s totally fine by Twitter’s ToS, when I reply they can report me and get me suspended: Since I only said I’m not scared […]
Conan the Barbarian by Jason Aaron & Mahmud Asrar Deluxe Hardcover Review
Captain GlobHomo America: All Marvel And DC Characters Will Be Alphabet Soon Enough
The New Normal In Mainstream Comics
Every male character that’s not replaced by a black woman will be replaced by an effeminate, homosexual version instead. I’m sure the guys with the same beard and glasses will have their mouths open wide as they get “excited” to buy this and post how virtuous they are to all their friends. I notice the […]
Board Game Madness: White Wizard Games Rebrands Because The Word “White” Triggers SJWs
End Daylight Savings Now
I already posted this on social media but another day of having to get up and deal with this time change has me reeling with a lack of sleep again. This is an antiquated idea around having “more sunlight” during farming hours so people could operate out on their fields. In the time of electricity […]