SAN FRANCISCO, CA — ComicsGate Leader Jon Del Arroz has challenged current Manosphere President Anthony “Dream” Johnson to a general election for the future of the manosphere.
In the wake of the tragic events of the 21 Convention, where Anthony Dream Johnson wrote a really fucking gay 3,000+ word post “excommunicating” popular philosopher and ninja Ivan Throne from the manosphere, it has become clear the manosphere requires new leadership, and true warrior to answer the call.
As such, Jon Del Arroz is immediately announcing his candidacy for Office of the Manosphere President. Del Arroz has cut his teeth in the online culture war in the movement known as “ComicsGate”, slaying SJWs and making them cry for years. With comic books being such serious business, and Del Arroz being one of the highest-T alpha chads in the space, Del Arroz plans on creating a personal army of comic book enjoyers to make the manosphere manly again.
“Anthony Dream Johnson has failed the manosphere, and turned women into eternal ‘virgins’ as he promised he would with his cringe that dries up their pussies as soon as he opens his mouth. As a married man of nearly 15 years, I know how to keep pussy wet and impregnate bitches,” Del Arroz said. “Anthony has shown that he’s so low-T he’s afraid of a fucking deaf guy speaking. Let that sink in how gay that is.”
The JDA campaign to take the manosphere by storm kicked off on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022, where he assembled a team of very serious internet business campaign experts, led by campaign manager, Ciderhype, who has such manly masculine prowess that Anthony Dream Johnson blocked him on Twitter like a bitch running with her tail between her legs.
Manosphere legend Jack Murphy has also thrown the full weight of his platform into the campaign, formally endorsing JDA for Manosphere President, stating “Hahaha naturally,” to voice his support of the campaign.
This election is the most important election in manosphere history, and will shape the course of the manosphere for years to come. JDA is open to press inquiries and can be reached at jdaguestposts@gmail.com.
JDA For Manosphere President, Inc.
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