Marvel Comics writer Donny Cates (Thor, Venom) has had a tough week after attacking a comic shop owner concerned about modern comic books destroying his business and making it impossible to sell products. He deleted his tweet after receiving fan backlash, but one he didn’t delete was one giving praise to the Father of Lies, Satan.
Donny Cates has long had an embattled history of attacking comic fans who disagree with his politics or are vocal Christians. He mass blocks anyone associated with the online rebellion movement, #ComicsGate, an independent movement about making comics fun again and removing the woke, self-insert characters that have replaced beloved favorites.

When a comic shop owner voiced similar concerns to what this movement has said is destroying the comic industry for years, Cates lashed out at the owner, passive-aggressively tweeting, “Don’t you guys hate when you go into a hardware store how the guy behind the counter always tells you how much hammers suck?”

He implies that Glenn, the comic shop owner who complained, somehow provides bad customer service by talking about the comics he can’t sell. However, in reality, it’s quite the opposite. If a hardware store employee told a person about a defective hammer and to buy a different, more reliable tool, it would be a benefit to the customer. They would likely remember the shop and return because they received good advice.
Cates received such backlash that he deleted the tweet after replying to a fan concerned about the current state of comics. The fan told Donny Cates, “When I buy a hammer, my expectation is that it doesn’t groom children into a suicide cult.”

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But Cates and perhaps more of his Marvel Comics ilk are part of a death cult. In another interaction with fans, one in which he hasn’t deleted, he proclaims his allegiance to Satan.
A fan asked, “Do you renounce Satan and all his works and empty promises?” Donny Cates replied, “Honestly, I’ve not found them so empty.”

One can’t help but be reminded of the countless stories of people who sell their souls to Satan in exchange for fame, clout, money, and the ability to craft subversive stories. It sounds like Donny Cates is well aware that the ticket he took to become a prominent feature at Marvel Comics and the comic industry comes from the Prince of this World. He smugly acknowledges that devil worship has gotten him to where he is.
Donny Cates has gotten into trouble fighting Christians online before. On Mar. 14, 2022, he tweeted in a separate fight with presumably Christian fans, “I guess I just want to stress that I have nothing against those that are religious. None whatsoever. I just find it that the aggressive ones who claim to be devout followers of Christ are the same ones sending me DM’s to go kill myself.”

As much as he claims he doesn’t have problems with Christians, the tweet is an attack against them, much like his declaration that Satan’s promises have been good to him in the comic book industry. He never provided any receipts about the alleged DMs, making it sound like he wants to lash out against comic book fans and continue Marvel Comics on its death cult spiral.
What do you think about Marvel Comics writer Donny Cates worshipping Satan? Leave a comment and let us know.
I truly look forward to the day that DC & Marvel stop publishing and license out their IP’s to someone who respects them.