Controversial Japanese anime series Goblin Slayer has returned for its second season, bringing the eponymous sullen hero and his ragtag band of companions back to the small screen. Goblin Slayer, also known as Orcbolg and “Beardcutter,” remains comically single-minded in his quest to rid of the world of the little green monsters. However, he faces many obstacles in his crusade—not least of which is the character development of people not named Goblin Slayer. The soft-spoken hero continues to be torn between his mission and accommodating his friends.

Upon its initial appearance as an anime series, Goblin Slayer was denounced by some reviewers as “anti-Semitic” and “fascist.” The series’ plot involves one man’s fanatical need to hunt down every goblin he can find and kill them as efficiently and ruthlessly as possible. The goblins of this world are sapient but monstrous creatures that are only capable of reproducing by forcing themselves on the women of other races.

In the anime’s first season, kind-hearted companion and fellow adventurer Priestess is horrified by the ruthless execution of cowering Goblin imps after the harrowing rescue of an elvish girl. Goblin Slayer explains that goblins might not be very smart, but they learn from their mistakes, so no one can survive when you attack one of their nests. The surprisingly contemplative hero also muses that there might be good goblins in the world, but if they exist, they are the ones that never crawled out from under their mountains.
At one point, the anime hero tells a terrified woman that he will always be there to kill the goblins, even the ones that come for her in her nightmares. It is left unclear whether he believes this is possible or if he is just being kind. Goblin Slayer often comes across as being either autistic or emotionally stunted due to childhood trauma.

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Season 1 delighted fans with depictions of Goblin Slayer’s methodical, clever, and unconventional approaches to dispatching the vile green creatures. Initially a loner, various team members eventually join him, bringing with them various skills he puts to good use. Goblin Slayer repeatedly clashes with some of his teammates, who object to his “unfair” tactics and bizarre lack of concern for any threat other than goblins.
So far, the anime Season 2 is remarkably light on goblin slaying, however. Plot lines involve attending an Elvish wedding and setting up a training school for young adventurers. Occasional clashes with goblins occur, but Goblin Slayer is disquieted by the fact that he is being pulled away from his true calling. Two episodes remain in the second season, and things seem to be “gearing up.” Hopefully, the audience’s patience will pay off.

Goblin Slayer appeals to the innate masculine urge to crush evil with an iron fist and stomp on its skull.
The Goblin Slayer franchise began in 2016 as a Japanese “light novels” written by Kumo Kagyu and illustrated by Noboru Kannatsuki. They were subsequently translated into English, redone in manga form, and eventually turned into an anime series by Japanese animation studio White Fox. A different Japanese animation studio, Liden Films, produced Season 2.
Goblin Slayer includes scenes depicting graphic violence and sexual assault and is not appropriate for children. The anime is available on Crunchyroll.
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Give me more dead goblins please.