On June 2, 1999, the immensely popular sci-fi series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine signed off the air for the last time. Since then, many of the show’s stars have continued to appear in television and film, but one prominent name practically disappeared off the face of the earth—Avery Brooks, the classically-trained black actor who brought fan-favorite badass “Benjamin Sisko” to life.
Due to the popularity of Brooks’ character on Deep Space Nine, fans might have expected him to subsequently appear in a variety of high-profile media. Still, somehow, Brooks only has four unremarkable credits on his IMDB page in the new millennium, the latest being in 2006. This suggests that Avery Brooks might have been “canceled” or blacklisted, possibly because his character, Benjamin Sisko, was the opposite of what Hollywood would like African Americans to be—unbroken, powerful, calm, and self-possessed.

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The radicals of Hollywood—with malevolent intentions—would prefer African Americans to see themselves as victims, crushed perpetually under the boots of white men, unable to stand on their own two feet, consumed with bitterness and jealousy. Rather than watching Blacks boldly striding into the future with their heads held high—like Benjamin Sisko—they would much rather fill our entertainment with images of Blacks committing crime, twerking, and wallowing in poverty.

As the enemies of Christ, Hollywood elites intend to use radicals to tear society apart and destroy Christian (i.e. Western) Civilization. Star Trek, however, portrays a utopian future in which the entire planet Earth has converted to Christianity—or at least a bowdlerized, Boomer-approved version of it—a future where everyone gets along and works together. Consequently, Benjamin Sisko, a powerful black man representing “Christian Civilization” in the furthest regions of space, is the opposite of what Hollywood would like to promote.
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There are a lot of contradictions in the philosophy of Star Trek—considering that its fan base includes both Bible-believing Christians and militant atheists—but at the end of the day, the franchise depicts a peaceful future free of oppression and resentment, where every nation’s heritage is preserved and cherished. This is not the future that Hollywood radicals want. Despite their sometimes obfuscating rhetoric, what Hollywood truly wishes to manifest is a future of destruction and enslavement, true to their satanic, anti-human agenda.

There has been no direct confirmation about why Avery Brooks almost entirely dropped out of film and television after the conclusion of Deep Space Nine. Speculation abounds, however, ranging from supposed health problems to accusations that he is difficult to work with.
In an interview dated December 27, 2020, Cirroc Lofton, who played Brooks’ on-screen son, ridiculed the idea that Brooks had intentionally quit acting or that he was difficult to work with, stating that the “politics of Hollywood” was to blame. Lofton also expressed the belief that Brooks was discriminated against and suggested that film and television studios should have beaten a path to Brooks’ door, considering how valuable and successful he had already proved to be.
What do you think about the quiet cancellation of Avery Brooks? Let us know below!
Does everything have to have political motivations with you people (Americans)? Honestly, there is literally ZERO evidence that Avery Brooks was “blacklisted”!! It’s more likely however that he simply RETIRED from TV and Movies, or that he’s moved on, and is strictly doing THEATER, as a lot of actors do.
But no, you guys have to make shit up and claim he was blacklisted, with absolutely no evidence to support it, just because it fits your narrative of black victimization. The only WIDESPREAD black victimization is in your head!