In the case of the hunter becoming the hunted, cancel pigs are getting canceled. Marvel and DC Comics insiders should have listened to Big Game creator Mark Millar, who has warned the comic book industry about sub-par offerings.
In a video that has gone viral, comic book retailer Glenn O’Leary rightfully lamented the low quality of comic books that retailers were expected to sell. Industry insiders like Donny Cates of Marvel Comics initiated online mob attacks on O’Leary, which was when Millar came to O’Leary’s defense. The mainstream comics industry hates when someone points out that the emperor has no clothes, and they quickly started harassing Mark Millar, too.
Then, in December 2023, after online mob attacks, Mark Millar coined the term “cancel pigs” when he tweeted:
“Twitter packs like the people who mobbed retailer Glenn O’Leary last week, mocking him and trying to destroy his reputation. We’ve seen it happen with comic pros like Howard Chaykin & many others. Entirely for sport. The Cancel Pig exists to destroy because he cannot CREATE.”
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Mark Millar followed up his interview with O’Leary with an interview of three big comic book retailers. In that shocking interview, the retailers exposed how the public was being gas-lit by the comics industry insiders to believe that all is well with American comic books. They highlighted the low-quality products produced by Marvel and DC as the main culprit for declining sales.
Instead of doing some introspection and a sober consideration of what the retailers had to so say about the decline in quality of Marvel and DC comic books (after all, the numbers don’t lie), the industry insiders doubled down, like DC Comics writer Mark Waid who went on an unhinged rant and called Mark Millar a “former comics superstar whose heat is fading.”

Now it looks like the chickens have come home to roost. First, there was the news that cancel pig Mags Visaggio was begging for money online on X: “We could use some help till our next paycheck (invoiced Dec 7) following a pretty catastrophic month.”
Now, a new bombshell dropped when award-winning writer of science fiction, steampunk, and comics Jon Del Arroz tweeted on New Year’s Day: “I’ve heard from a retailer insider that several shops are refusing to order books by the “cancel pigs” who insulted shop owners. Not a good start to 2024 for the mainstream comic industry!”
Why Marvel and DC writers ever thought it a good idea to attack the retailers that are selling your comics will be a mystery for the ages. Now it looks like the canceled pigs are the ones who are going to be cancelled.
What do you think? Should comic industry cancel pigs have listened to Mark Millar? Let us know in the commetns.
Big if true. But I doubt it. I can imagine Marvel threatening to stop sending them anything at all if they found out this was happening.
We can always hope
When DC and Marvel fold, do you think a new publisher will step forward and buy some of their better IP, like The X-Men, Batman, and Captain America? Or do you think that the comic Properties will be eternally finished for illustration, or get sold to someone guaranteed to make them fahke and Ghey?
Likely the latter
We’ll need to create independent IP’s, that publishes consistently to replace old IP’s. That requires a lot of investment though.
It’s okay. You can refer to ol’Mags as “he”.