The comic industry has been upheaval since retailer Glenn O’Leary’s video went live calling out writers for their poorly made self-inserts, saying it’s killing his business. Amplified by Netflix’s Mark Millar, it sparked serious questions about how long Marvel and DC Comics could survive given the current state. Now, several comic retailers aim to push back. An inside source tells Fandom Pulse that local comic shop owners are boycotting several “cancel pig” comic industry pros for disrespecting customers. These names include Donny Cates, Jamal Igle, and Ramon Villalobos.
The discussions of what to do about these cancel pigs in the industry started because of the backlash several comic industry professionals gave toward the retailer their customer, trying to brand Glenn O’Leary as the problem rather than looking at their work. Local comic shop owners decided to stick together and band around their fellow owner rather than listen to the jaded comic industry pros try to lecture them.
Under the condition of anonymity, because a comic shop owner understands the whisper network within the comic industry would go full cancel pig on him or her, Fandom Pulse obtained a list of creators who will be boycotted because of their bad behavior toward their customers.
Jamal Igle was one of the first to lash out at Glenn O’Leary, sarcastically replying to the posted rant by the local comic shop owner, “Who is this..lovely..individual?” to get his fans and colleagues to cancel him.

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Donny Cates quote tweeted O’Leary, posting to try to shame the local comic shop owner with, “Don’t you guys hate how when you go into a hardware store how the guy behind the counter always tells you how much hammers suck?”

Ramon Villalobos perhaps went the most insulting, calling the local comic shop owner a “salami breathed hog” and sarcastically stating he has “sage wisdom for all of you.”

The reaction of comic industry pros is sadly not out of the norm. Whenever Marvel and DC Comics creators face criticism, they often lash out at the fans and customers rather than reflect on the poor choices they’ve made by making identity politics the forefront of comic books, which used to be made for the entertainment and enjoyment of readers.

The great Stan Lee once stated, “I used to be embarrassed because I was just a comic-book writer while other people were building bridges or going on to medical careers. And then I began to realize: Entertainment is one of the most important things in people’s lives. Without it, they might go off the deep end. I feel that if you’re able to entertain people, you’re doing a good thing.”
Many creators like Jamal Igle, Donny Cates, and Ramon Villalobos have forgotten their job is to entertain, and taking to X to cry about customers is not entertainment, nor does it do any good for the comic industry’s problems. As a result, they will suffer in their careers as local comic shop owners are now fighting back against the whisper network by telling them no more.
What do you think about the local comic shop owner boycott of comic industry pros like Donny Cates, Jamal Igle, and Ramon Villalobos? Leave a comment and let us know.
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Not a big fan of boycotts, but if we’re doing this, can we add Mark Waid? He’s become the supervillain of comic creators; he rails against free speech and anyone who disagrees with his narrow and hateful views.
A worthy inclusion for sure. Mark Waid is a lunatic.
As a Filipino, I can say with confidence that Ramon Villalobos and his actions are a source of shame and disgrace to the Filipino.
All Filipinos would agree that he is trash, the minority of left-wing Leni simps on Twitter and Facebook notwithstanding.
Villalobos, Cates & Igle don’t really put anything out right now so that doesn’t sound like much of a boycott. I think the LCS’s are a lot of talk like everyone else.
Anyone got the entire list? I know Si Spurrier was also part of that group. I would love to see his sales on his horrible flash run decline. Whatever it takes to get him off flash. Also ram v said some things too, I tend to like his work though.
I know I am a relic of the past at 66 but I have loved comics since I received my first comic when I was around 7 years old. It was Iron Man and it started a lifetime of drawing, painting and love for my beloved comics. I believe this long history at least legitimizes my ability or right to comment. To me, it is passing strange that I even have to qualify what I had always assumed to be my right to express an opinion but in so many ways, in my personal experience, that ability to express has been greatly narrowed or even eliminated unless one is prepared to have a horde of fanatics without any real thought except their lists of grievances attempt to negatively impact your life. At university I took a class in 1979 titled, “A Socialist Critique of Modern Democracy”. It was created and taught by a self-identified socialist and gay man. I am a disabled veteran and missed the first day of class because quite simply I could not walk to class as the many hills defied my ability to navigate. Anyway, I met with the professor, received a synopsis of the class and then he asked me out which was a bit of a surprise and I declined stating my heterosexuality. It was not an issue. The professor had a true mixed bag in the class from a tall farm kid from Texas to what we now call hard core Leftists with agendas and no real ability to debate. He had one absolute for the class and that was all ideas could be propounded and debated. The classes were sometimes loud which he stomped on without regard for position but they were filled with back-and-forth debates amongst those with at least rudimentary open minds. My final exam was a scathing rebuke of Socialism and I received an A though the professor wrote he wished he could give me a higher grade. The point of all this is what in the world happened to this country where so many live in echo chambers on the left, right and even center? It is like the three monkeys of hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil! I read and treasured my comics for letting my imagination soar, not to increase my social sensibility except in those very good concepts, again in my personal opinion, which embodied the moral value of standing up for those weaker and the willingness to put your own body on the line to protect the greater good. I tried to read a comic one of my grandchildren left behind after a visit and I was appalled both by the inane story and the drivel substituted for dialogue. I was also shocked that my child was allowing theirs to read such trash and I do not lightly label anything without serious consideration. My opinion can be different than yours and I can prove it because I served to try and ensure that the rights might continue despite the corruption of the original mission by my so-called leaders. The point is that I tried. If I were asked to serve again, I would but I would have to admit that the current climate where any group of activists can shut down speech or even businesses and be not only protected but coddled is beyond the pale. Please excuse the short novel but the cancel pigs nauseate me.
We all feel your pain brother.
It’s a pity Tim Sheridan didn’t lash out because his Green Lantern comics have been an abomination.