The popular TV series Suits is set to have a race and gender-swapped new spin-off titled Suits: L.A. The spin-off of the popular show Suits, has been given the go-ahead by NBCUniversal, with production set to begin in late March. The show will move away from the original characters.
The premise of the new series follows a former federal prosecutor from New York who has reinvented himself by representing some of the most powerful people in Los Angeles: “Ted Black, a former federal prosecutor from New York, has reinvented himself representing the most powerful clients in Los Angeles. His firm is at a crisis point, and in order to survive he must embrace a role he held in contempt his entire career. Ted is surrounded by a stellar group of characters who test their loyalties to both Ted and each other while they can’t help but mix their personal and professional lives. All of this is going on while events from years ago slowly unravel that led Ted to leave behind everything and everyone he loved.”
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However, it has been revealed that the new Suits spin-off, Suits: L.A., will rely on the ridiculous and tired trope of a strong, super-intelligent black female lead as the lead character. The new lead character, Erica, is described as: “a black woman in her 30s, hailing from Southern California, and a Harvard law graduate. Her ambition drives her to vie for the position of Head of Entertainment. While she excels at closing deals with clients, she faces challenges in other areas. Notably, Erica is portrayed as exceptionally intelligent, surpassing her peers in intellect.”
The spin-off is being produced by Beatrice Springborn, President of Universal International Studios and UCP, who has disclosed that the show will capture a similar energy to the original Suits. She has mentioned that the spin-off will maintain a “fun and happy” tone while being set “in the same time frame” as the original Suits.
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While the original Suits star Patrick J. Adams appeared to be open to reprising his role as Mike Ross, the spin-off’s focus on a tired trope is disappointing. The original show’s events started when hotshot closer Harvey Specter had a chance to meet with genius law school dropout Mike Ross and decided to hire him as his associate despite not being a real lawyer. Together, they became the firm’s powerhouse duo, but while they were making waves and winning cases, they struggled to keep their secret under the lid. Mike and Harvey’s bond was Suits’ original main selling point, with USA Network even using the tagline “Two Lawyers, One Degree.”
In conclusion, it’s disheartening to see the entertainment industry again relying on the convoluted Kathleen Kennedy Method to put a woman in it and make it lame and gay. So stunning and brave.
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JimBobBubbaRay says
“Notably, Erica is portrayed as exceptionally intelligent, surpassing her peers in intellect.”
The exact inverse of reality.