For the last couple of years, we have been wondering why a good amount of mainstream video games have become a non-stop cringe fest full of Marxist ideology, gender ideology, and slipshod-at-best gameplay. Eventually we found out why, and it is all due to a consultant company called Sweet Baby Inc. Over the weekend, Sweet Baby Inc. was rightly rebuked as they attempted to shut down a Steam curator list (143k followers as of this writing) and get the person behind it, Kabrutus, banned from Steam.
But after initial coverage of this incident, Fandom Pulse suspected there was much more to Sweet Baby Inc. than we realized in the wake of Chris Kindred’s past tweets. To that end, we have contacted an acclaimed investigative journalist, Nick Monroe, to get information on Sweet Baby Inc. and the figures that are either employed or affiliated with the company. Nick Monroe has revealed much information on Sweet Baby Inc. and its key figures. As such, this article will be the first in a series in which we delve into the motives and objectives of the people that make up Sweet Baby Inc. All the information in this article and future articles of this series will be a service of Nick Monroe’s findings.
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Our investigation begins with Sweet Baby Inc.’s CEO, Kim Belair. Until recently, little has been known about her outside the usual activist circles. But we do know she’s a fixture in many gaming conferences, including GDC, where she spoke in 2019 on the topic ‘Now You See Me: Representation as Innovation.’ The YouTube channel Harmful Opinions covered this speech. Feel free to watch, but keep in mind the video is an hour long.
For those who couldn’t get through the ABCs of weasel words, buzzwords, and the typical woke activist jargon (we don’t blame you, but at least Harmful Opinion’s banter is a pallet cleanser), here are the CliffsNotes:
- Kim Belair self-inserts in her writings, a telltale sign of narcissism.
- She complains about the literature offerings at her high school being written by white men, and “marginalized authors” are reduced to a genre, a telltale sign of racism.
- Kim Belair equates her work at Sweet Baby Inc. to a parent getting their child to eat their vegetables.
- Most importantly, Kim Belair likes to use the intimidation of the cancel mob to force gaming studios to adhere to their woke Marxist values.
Kim Belair comes off as something other than a game developer who wants to improve the industry. In fact, she comes off as your typical woke activist who grew up no poorer than the upper middle class and wanted to feel part of the struggle so her life could have some meaning.
One might listen to Kim Belair’s backstory and realize there are some similar themes and life experiences to another woke activist that many of you may be familiar with. This is the same backstory Anita Sarkeesian gave when she started her campaign to subvert the video gaming industry. Kim Belair was a guest on Anita Sarkeesian’s Feminist Frequency Radio in 2019, talking about Batman Returns.

It’s time for the good stuff, that being Kim Belair’s ramblings. The first is her article on gamesindustry.biz in July of 2020 titled, We need a movement to tackle systemic abuse, not a moment, and as with most screeds written by woke activists, it reads like a college dissertation, or, if you will, a leftist meme:
“There is something that happens to you when your voice goes unheard. I’ve seen it happen to so many victims, witnesses, and genuine, earnest allies. You scream so loud and so long. You do all the “right” things, from HR to PR, to project leads and managers, to the police — nothing comes of it. You try again and again, but eventually you realize it isn’t going to help. You aren’t going to help. And maybe, you think, you shouldn’t have tried. Because over days or weeks or years, you realize that many of the people and the corporate entities you tried to warn have decided that you, the disturber, you must be the problem.
After all, you have asked them to change, to get into fights, to upset the balance, to do work. You’ve asked them to consider life outside of the project, to allocate budget, to dismantle a team or, God forbid, undo friendships.
Meanwhile, the predator has been nothing but kind. The predator asks nothing. He smiles and laughs with them. Plays games with them online. Offers gifts and hangouts. He brings joy. What do you bring but trouble?”
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When you sort through the layers of buzzword-laden woke jargon, the following words are not in Kim Belair’s vocabulary: Accountability, self-awareness, and self-esteem. Kim Belair has the familiar aura of being miserable and wants to drag everyone, especially men, into the pit of misery with her. It’s probably, among other things, one of the reasons that Kim Belair founded Sweet Baby Inc. in the first place, as this excerpt from the same article states:
“In 2018, I founded my own narrative development company, Sweet Baby Inc, and it has allowed me to build a small team united not only around writing and narrative and design, but with the common goal to make the industry a better and safer place. We are here trying to bring representation to stories, diversify teams, and get marginalized devs and aspiring devs paid work, credits, training, time, and care.
I feel empowered, and grateful and eager to help, but it also shouldn’t take founding one’s own company to feel a little safer. The work must happen in the structures and the companies where these problems are rampant, where thousands of people are mistreated every day. We must dismantle them and rebuild them with empathy and accountability, and with an ear to those voices that are leading the charge right now, whether survivor or advocate.“
If you pay attention to the words “I feel empowered,” you see Kim Belair’s objective with Sweet Baby Inc., which is similar to other known Marxist activists: POWER. Kim Belair is out to subjugate the video gaming industry so she can feel better about herself without taking accountability for her shortcomings to become a better person. However, as we’ve seen, Kim Belair takes a more destructive path to sate her ego. It’s the most dangerous form of narcissism.
However, that’s not all. Kim Belair made a similar rant that is EIGHTEEN TWEETS LONG on Twitter a couple of weeks before the article on gamesindustry.biz, which I think prompted her to write that screed in the first place:

“In the past few days, across two different industries, I’ve been aware of at least four of the men now being rightly outed as predators. They are men I’ve tried to warn others about, whether in whisper networks or through the “correct” channels. Many marginalized and mistreated friends or colleagues have listened. But a vast majority of more privileged people, many of whom would happily identify as allies and friends of mine, have ignored or dismissed these warnings in favour of comfort. To avoid conflict. And there is something that happens when your voice is unheard. I’ve seen it happen to so many victims, witnesses, advocates and genuine allies. You scream so loud and long, you do all the “right” things that they tell you will work, but eventually you see it isn’t going to help. YOU aren’t going to help. And maybe you shouldn’t have tried. Because slowly, over days or weeks or years, you realize that many of the people you tried to warn have decided that you, the disturber, must be the problem. After all, you have asked them to change, to get into fights, to upset the balance, to do work. Meanwhile, the predator has been nothing but kind to them. He asks nothing. He smiles and laughs with them. Plays with them online. Offers gifts. What do you bring but trouble?
At best, these “allies” will make a weak concession: they will not speak about this man when they are in your presence, they will not invite him to events if you are attending, but… really everyone likes him. Isn’t it easier to not invite you? They’ll never notice that, in their circles, the same group of men is always there, but strangely the women keep changing. (Other marginalized identities? Oh, they never got the invite.) Of course, you keep trying, but you aren’t in those rooms anymore, aren’t invited to the same events. And so all you can do is watch as the number of people willing to listen dwindles, and the predator gains allies, followers, friends. One day, you realize you’ve lost. People aren’t going to listen. And you’ve told enough of the wrong “allies” that they’ve helped make the predator stronger, by virtue of feeding his knowledge of what people know of him. But once you’ve lost, something else happens. You watch people celebrate the predators, praise and amplify them. Sometimes people you looked up to. Sometimes people you warned. And you begin to wonder, was I wrong? You’ve been gaslit so long that you do it to yourself.
You know that your friend champions justice, speaks out about abuse, claims to abhor predators… So if they aren’t doing anything about this… maybe you were wrong. Maybe the abuses you spoke about weren’t really that bad. Maybe you really ARE dramatic, bitter, unforgiving. So finally, when weeks like this arrive, thanks to the courage and strength and fury of victims, there is no vindication. There is only the exhausted soreness of how long it took, the vague guilt that you could not do more, and the fear that those speaking out will be vilified. There is also anger. Fury. At the predators, yes, but you’ve held that for years. Now it spreads to the friends and colleagues, the “allies” you see feigning shock and dismay when you remember the coffee breaks spent telling them to please, please listen and do something NOW. Now they ask “what can I do?” but it’s only for the moment, to soothe you, and not for the months and years they spent brushing the truth aside. Emptily, they say “we have to do better”, but it is without apology for all the ways they helped make things worse. I am furious and I am tired and I am broken in many ways from being hurt, betrayed, dismissed. A thousand cuts. I share this feeling with so, so many. But the only thing I can do, and what gives me the energy that pain has taken, is help.”
There’s only one response to this: Kim Belair is not well. This puts in perspective her earlier comments on using the woke cancel mob to terrorize the gaming industry. She wants Sweet Baby Inc. to be nothing more than a psychotic version of the Hays Code for video games.
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So, how did Kim Belair manage to weasel her way into the gaming industry? The company that made the fatal mistake of inviting the woke vampire into the gaming industry is Ubisoft.

And then you have a plethora of the usual woke cringe from Kim Belair…

To close this out, we like to do a little myth-busting. The myth is that Sweet Baby Inc. is only consulted on the games’ stories like Spider-Man 2 and Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. But thanks to this tweet from Kim Belair and an IMDB entry, this myth was revealed to be a lie.

As a result of Sweet Baby Inc’s “consulting,” Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League sold poorly, despite Rocksteady having worked on this game for years. The ‘Sweet Baby Inc Detected’ curator page had more engagement than the player count of the game, and even Sony had to give out refunds due to the game being so atrocious.
But as we have seen, Kim Belair and the rest of Sweet Baby Inc. could care less about a compelling story or selling the game to people that she hates. Kim Belair clearly states her goals with Sweet Baby Inc.:
On the IMDB page, note the two other names that are boxed in: Grant K. Roberts and Amy-Leigh Shaw. We will discuss these two Sweet Baby Inc. employees in Part II of ‘The Sweet Baby Inc. Files. ‘ But for now, this Wednesday, you can listen to more about Sweet Baby Inc. and Kim Belair on The Mad Shogun’s Twitter space show, HUDCAST.
Again, a very special thanks to Nick Monroe for his investigative work.
What do you think of Kim Belair, the CEO of Sweet Baby Inc.? Please leave a comment and let us know.
NEXT: Funcom’s Dune: Awakening Gameplay Trailer Reveals the Harsh Reality of Surviving on Arrakis
Sour Baby needs changing.
People should capitalize on this wave. We have a domino like opportunity here. Once ESG is out of games, we can start the healing process. Once they are away of our children.
People like Kim know they are pawns in the big game, so they have to compensate this feeling of incapacity towards their own personal revenge against the world. “I was born a minority, YOUR debt can never be paid”.
It is due to people like her that racism exists. They can’t find a cure for their illness, so they want everyone else to suffer.
She will know the size, or lack thereof, of her relevancy. She will be the first of many. Great times are coming.
Protest with your wallets. Keep not buying Suicide Squads and Spider-Man2s and similar ilk. The gaming media is hard left ideologically. All op-ed rather than true journalism. They all collude along with many other trash rags (Mary Sue and so on) and mass release referential pieces to one another to control the narrative. The SBI narrative has already been skewed and corrupted to just being GG2/people trolling these precious journalists/consultants. They will never tell the true, full story. No major figures will speak up for us – industry workers fear being cancelled and losing their jobs just the same as SBI’s modus operandi for developers who don’t fall in line.
Our only power is to protest with our wallets. Boycott with our dollar. Let more AAA studios drop like flies.