Harvey Guillén is not satisfied with Disney’s progress in LGBTQ+ grooming practices in animated films and wants a queer Disney princess. Harvey Guillén’s sick wish is wholly misplaced considering the implications of pushing for more queer content, particularly considering Disney productions aimed at children.
It’s undeniable that Disney has already incorporated LGBTQ+ elements in recent projects. Now Harvey Guillén says we may see a queer Disney princess in the near future: “I think they’re making strides in the right direction, I think it’s hard to rebuild a wheel that’s already been in motion for a while, and it’s hard to think of a new direction, especially in where we’re at with the world, but they’re putting their best foot forward, I think. And sometimes, those things take time, and I’m optimistic. And like you said, if a queer princess comes along, that’d be fantastic.”

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Harvey Guillén’s eagerness for and anticipation of a queer Disney princess is more than just a misguided prioritization of identity politics over storytelling integrity. While a focus on wokeness comes at the expense of narrative coherence and thematic relevance, the real issue lies in Disney poisoning young, impressionable minds with sick and twisted LGBTQ+ characters and storylines.
Moreover, Harvey Guillén’s comparison of Disney’s animation studio to a museum of past successes highlights a concerning trend of exploiting Disney nostalgia for the sake of subversive LGBTQ+ messages. Disney’s legacy of animated classics should not be used as an excuse to groom children into LGBTQ+ cults. As a company aimed at entertaining children, Disney should be at the forefront of pushing Christianity and wholesome traditional family values. Introducing a queer protagonist into children’s entertainment not only undermines the sanctity of the family unit but also exposes impressionable minds to harmful ideologies that contradict natural law and societal norms.
With its vast resources and influence, Disney has the power to safeguard the innocence of youth, yet it continues to prioritize LGBTQ+ grooming practices. By perpetuating the status quo, Disney perpetuates the subversion of impressionable young minds, bombarding them with LGBTQ+ degeneracy.

Harvey Guillén’s assertion that progress takes time conveniently overlooks the sinister agenda underlying Disney’s gradual descent into moral relativism. Rather than acknowledging the harmful impact of promoting degenerate narratives, Harvey Guillén chooses to perpetuate the illusion of progress, thereby enabling Disney to continue its insidious grooming tactics unabated.
It’s also worth noting that Harvey Guillén’s involvement in Disney’s projects, such as his role in Wish, raises questions about complicity in perpetuating LGBTQ+ degeneracy. While Harvey Guillén may view his participation as a step towards progress, it’s essential to interrogate the broader implications of aligning oneself with a corporation that prioritizes LGBTQ+ grooming practices over social responsibility.
Harvey Guillén’s endorsement of Disney’s push for more LGBTQ+ representation in animated films is deeply troubling and indicative of a broader societal decline. By normalizing degenerate narratives and promoting grooming tactics under the guise of inclusivity, Disney has betrayed its legacy and forsaken its duty to uphold traditional values. It is imperative that concerned citizens denounce such insidious agendas and demand accountability from entertainment conglomerates like Disney. Anything less would be a disservice to future generations and a betrayal of the timeless principles that once defined our cultural heritage.
Let us know in the comments what you think about a queer Disney princess.
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