Kotaku senior editor Alyssa Mercante is flabbergasted about why Marcus Aurelius quoting gamers in the ‘Sweet Baby Inc. Detected’ Steam group didn’t fall for her invites to dox themselves. The answer, Alyssa Mercante, is that gamers are not stupid, backward racist, sexist plebs who don’t know what they they should find acceptable or not. We have previously covered Alyssa Mercante’s Kotaku article, wherein she implies that gamers are stupid, saying that gamers are bad actors and accusing them of being conspiracy theorists. The leading Hispanic voice in science fiction, bestselling author, and Youtuber Jon Del Arroz weighed in on the matter and pointed out this was the same old legacy media playbook prevalent in Gamergate.
She wrote “On March 5, I managed to spend an hour or so in the Sweet Baby Inc. Detected Discord before I was booted from the space, likely because I identified myself as a Kotaku journalist. In it, members shared posts referencing Feminist Frequency founder Anita Sarkeesian, Marcus Aurelius quotes, and pictures of idealized female bodies in games.” Either Kotaku senior editor Alyssa Mercante doesn’t like attractive female bodies, or she’s still upset that the feminist Megalia group got booted from Stellar Blade over quality control.

Now a screenshot of her honeypot attempts aimed at getting the members of “Sweet Baby Inc. Detected” to dox themselves has emerged. Kotaku senior editor Alyssa Mercante starts off with, “hello, would anyone in this group be willing to answer a few questions for a kotaku story?” then follows it up with, “just curious if anyone could speak to the creation of this server/the steam page, and why they feel monitoring SBI work is important!” Unfortunately these general “baiting questions” were ignored by the “stupid” gamers, so she decided to go more direct asking, “is there a reason why many of you don’t have your names/pictures associated with your accounts on here?”

RELATED: The Sweet Baby Inc Files, Part I: Kim Belair, CEO
What arrogant Kotaku senior editor Alyssa Mercante, did not foresee is that gamers are not stupid, and have learnt from Gamergate to never trust the mainstream media. As the group was nearing 2K members, one of the members cautioned against the presence of infiltrators who were taking screenshots of conversations. He urged members to remain calm and emphasized the importance of maintaining a cool demeanor to prevent any potential repercussions such as the server or Steam group being shut down.
Kotaku senior editor Alyssa Mercante and legacy media journalists learned nothing from Gamergate, the gamers did. So who are the the stupid ones?
Let us know in the comments what you think about Kotaku’s senior editor Alyssa Mercante trying to bait gamers into doxing themselves.
If no one doxes themselves, a stand-in goat will be suitably created. That’s the way these zipperheads work. Truth doesn’t matter, only perception matters.