Ex Kotaku writer Nathan Grayson, yes that would be “Five guys Burgers and Fries” Zoë Quinn toyboy Nathan Grayson, rushed to aid Kotaku and wrote a hit-piece defending Sweet Baby Inc. and their CEO of Terrorism, Kim Belair, wherein he called gamers opposed to Sweet Baby Inc. antisemitic. For those who hasn’t been around during Gamergate, Nathan Grayson was said to be one of the “gaming journalists” Zoë Quinn had sex with for positive reviews of her game.

Gamergate veterans will recall Zoë Quinn ex boyfriend Eron Gjoni dropping the bombshell when he set up a blog and told all about the incestuous nature of the gaming journalist industry: “I dated Zoë Quinn. I thought she was the most amazing, kind hearted person in the world. Turns out she was bullshitting pretty much everything I fell in love with her for, and is actually an unbelievable jerk. …. Here’s some stuff she did / does in no particular order or tense [which you can verify using the chatlog images in the footer of Act 1]: 1. Spend quite a bit of time talking about how she would never ever cheat on anyone because that violates sexual consent — all the while cheating on me 2. With Nathan Grayson 3. And Robin Arnott 3. And Joshua Boggs 4. (who is both her boss and married) 6. And at least two other people (whose names are censored). And very probably more — but I won’t get into why I believe that.” Kotaku kicked off Gamergate, so it is not surprising that ex Kotaku writer and Zoë Quinn toyboy Nathan Grayson would come to the aid of disgraced Sweet Baby Inc.

Zoë Quinn toyboy Nathan Grayson uses the same tired tactic that Kotaku’s Alyssa Mercante used by putting up a straw man and painting gamers as “crazy conspiracy theorists” when he writes: “From there, the conspiracy theory metastasized. Sweet Baby, users not just on the aforementioned sites but also Twitter and YouTube began to suggest, was ruining games with its woke agenda, which is why Suicide Squad (but conspicuously none of the other triple-A hits I just mentioned) flopped.” Zoë Quinn’s toyboy, Nathan Grayson, ignores the fact that these games got progressively worse, culminating in the spectacular crash and burn of Suicide Squad. Big Youtubers started talking about it, and Suicide Squad and Sweet Baby Inc. went viral because they got exposure from big Youtubers. That does not mean that the other AAA titles are “conspicuously” not mentioned.
Zoë Quinn toyboy Nathan Grayson writes that “People claimed Sweet Baby was weaponizing a culture of fear and intimidation, bullying otherwise apolitical studios into accepting its terms,” completely ignoring the fact that Sweet Baby Inc’s CEO Kim Belair is on video advising employees to “terrify” companies if they don’t get their way.

RELATED: The Sweet Baby Inc Files, Part I: Kim Belair, CEO
He continues, “This line of thinking led to the formation of numerous anti-Sweet Baby initiatives, including a Discord (which Kotaku’s Alyssa Mercante gamely braved)…” What can one say except ‘hope she sees this bro.’
Nathan Grayson is a walking contradiction, accusing gamers of targeted harassment when he first admits that Sweet Baby Inc. employees and game devs were guilty of brigading and targeted harassment against the steam curator whose Sweet Baby Inc. Detected page “has jumped from around 40,000 followers to over 200,000 after calls from Sweet Baby staff and game developers to report the account, as well as videos from big content creators,” and proceeds to claim that, “Predictably, all of this has resulted in ample harassment of Sweet Baby employees.”

RELATED: Asmongold Interviews The Steam ‘Sweet Baby Inc detected’ Curator Kabrutus
The rest (the majority) of his article is dedicated to one big straw man about Blackrock and Vanguard. Zoë Quinn toyboy Nathan Grayson also accuses gamers opposed to Sweet Baby Inc. of antisemitism because why not, “This thinking is why it doesn’t take long for panics like this – including the Sweet Baby conspiracy – to attract people who throw around terms like “(((them)))” and trade in not-so-thinly veiled antisemitism.”
Why won’t they just leave gamers alone, let us know in the comments.
That term has lost all meaning. It’s the new Race Card.
Are they saying that people of Israeli descent are the ones ruining the video games? Why are they so anti-semitic?
AAA game studios can’t even afford a Gamergate 2.0, because their’s already layoffs. These corrupt “journalists” clearly want the video game industry to stay Far-Left, forever.
Larry Fink is ruining video games as well as movies.
If you aren’t antisemitic, then you aren’t paying enough attention.
This is racketeering plain and simple. This coordinated woke behavior has the same effect on companies as a mafia shakedown.
The FBI could get involved and make a criminal case out of this if they wanted to, because we all know they could convict a ham sandwich.
Who in their right mind would stick up for brainwashed/ Terroristic Nutballs like Kim Belair (Sweet baby Inc CEO) or should we just call her Weak/ Woke crybaby Hoe, the ya got No#2 Alyssa Mercante ( Kotaku member) or should we call her Ugly- Mouth breathing Woke Space cadet 🚀 and last but not least, we have Zoe Quinn- the white-haired Woke butch beast or maybe we should just call these 3 Hoes the Beastiality squad, since they are pretty bloody Ugly