The upcoming Red Sonja film, led by star Matilda Lutz, is taking a departure from the Conan character’s traditional portrayal, opting to shed the “male-gazed orientation” of previous iterations in favor of a narrative of feminism. This shift raises concerns about the authenticity of the adaptation and its departure from the historical essence of Red Sonja as yet another franchise moves in a woke direction at the expense of fans.
Matilda Lutz was reported on CBR as saying, “So, what I can tell about Red Sonja, is that the first ones and the comics were [made] with a very male-gazed orientation. This is a completely different story, and it’s very women-empowered, which I loved about the script” which is causing fans across the internet to groan.
Traditionally, Red Sonja has been depicted as a fierce and seductive warrior adorned in scantily clad bikini armor, embodying the epitome of fantasy and adventure. However, Matilda Lutz’s assertion that the film will subvert the original’s “male-gaze trope” suggests a significant departure from this established image.

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The decision to prioritize a feminist perspective in the film’s narrative has sparked debate among fans about the authenticity of the adaptation. Red Sonja’s appeal has always been rooted in her unapologetic embrace of her sexuality and her prowess as a warrior, traits that have resonated with audiences for decades. By veering away from this established characterization in favor of a more politically charged narrative, the film risks alienating longtime fans while failing to attract new ones who may be drawn to the character’s traditional depiction.
Additionally, the film’s decision to omit certain elements of Red Sonja’s backstory, such as her experience of sexual assault, further underscores the disconnect between the adaptation and the character’s established lore. While it’s understandable that filmmakers may want to avoid sensitive subjects, such as sexual violence, it’s essential to handle these themes with care and respect for the character’s history. Ignoring or glossing over these aspects of Red Sonja’s story diminishes the complexity of her character and undermines the importance of addressing difficult issues within storytelling.

Ultimately, while the upcoming Red Sonja film may strive to offer a fresh take on the character, it’s crucial to remain mindful of the legacy and heritage that have made her an enduring icon in popular culture. With so many Hollywood films going too far with the strong female lead trope, avoiding “male gaze” is about the most ridiculous concept possible, and Matilda Lutz shows a complete disconnect with the appeal of Red Sonja.
Matilda Lutz did say Red Sonja will still have bikini armor but it will be used in a different way she doesn’t want to spoil, which leaves fans scratching their heads. It looks like this Red Sonja film will be a PR nightmare.
What do you think of Matilda Lutz making comments about the “male gaze” for Red Sonja? Leave a comment and let us know.
Wow, I have never actually SMELLED a flop in the making before it was ever even sold.
It will certainly avoid one males gaze, at least
It’s as if she is in a echo chamber and has no idea how insane she sounds.
Could be she wants cred for being a feminist, so as not to be attacked by them, but she actually wants to make a bikini clad movie. New starlets frequently talk about how they’re trying to make their character more than just another bombshell, and at times its just a fig leaf. Or it could be a sign of stupid. In any case, not my movie type.
And there goes any faith I had in this Flop.
Make no mistake – if her statements are accurate – this ridiculous farce will fail. When it does, the failure will be blamed on the Red Sonja fans, and not on the $h!t-show feminism.
Add this to the new that the story is going to be about climate change and I honestly can’t wait to see it. It’s going to be so bad, hilarious.
This is not about challenging norms, this is simply about a pack of unhinged spinsters screaming in agony that the rules of the world around them doesn’t grant them what they think they’re entitled to by just existing, so they want to destroy ‘the idols’ of those edifices. If they can’t enjoy the male gaze, no one can.
The Red Sonja movie looks like crap anyway, male gaze wouldn’t save this movie if they had embraced it.