In his recent YouTube video Dreadroberts meticulously dissects several incidents involving individuals like Games Developer Conference 2024 speaker and CEO of Unleashing Games, Irena Pereira defending Sweet Baby Inc. and their “hit and run” tactics. Dreadroberts keenly observes the tendency of those who critique Sweet Baby Inc to endeavour to present themselves as impartial, yet consistently retract when confronted with scrutiny. He meticulously highlights instances where employees of Sweet Baby Inc, such as Chris Kindred, engage in contentious behaviour, only to retreat into anonymity when faced with opposition.
CEO of Unleashing Games, Irena Pereira is one particularly nasty individual, who disgustingly posted on X: “Two women sharing intimate stories about getting our periods in the #GDC24 merch store is the state of the game industry. #thisiswhatagamedevlookslike”

Thanks Irena Pereira, now we know why new games are trash. Another example discussed in the video involves Sam Winkler, a writer for Borderlands 3, who found himself embroiled in controversy after making derogatory remarks about gamers. Winkler attempted to justify his actions but faced significant backlash for his inflammatory comments. Dreadroberts quotes Winkler’s statement about muting criticism and his subsequent commentary on critics’ lack of creativity. Winkler’s tweet reads: “I’ve muted the thread for obvious reasons but I want to say this: If you don’t like my work, that’s okay. It doesn’t really bother me. Public crit is invaluable. What bothers me is when you feel like you need to use your finite time on this Earth to try and make someone feel bad.”

Moreover, Dreadroberts scrutinises the actions of Irena Pereira, CEO of Unleashing Games, who boasted about the absence of white male characters in an alpha build of her game. Her subsequent attempts to backtrack on her statement were met with scepticism. Irena Pereira’s tweet celebrating the absence of white male characters in her game’s alpha build reads: “Just wait until they notice that none of our starting characters in our alpha build are white males. None out of six.”

These tweets serve as good examples of the discourse surrounding Sweet Baby Inc and related controversies, illustrating the magnitude of the reactions elicited on social media platforms. Dreadroberts keenly observes the tendency of those who critique Sweet Baby Inc to endeavour to present themselves as impartial, yet consistently retract when confronted with scrutiny. He meticulously highlights instances where employees of Sweet Baby Inc, such as Chris Kindred, engage in contentious behaviour, only to retreat into anonymity when faced with opposition.
One notable example discussed in the video involves Chris Kindred, a narrative director at Sweet Baby Inc., who was implicated in a harassment campaign against gamer Kabrutus. Dreadroberts points out Kindred’s attempt to reenter public discourse after the controversy, only to retreat once again into protected mode on social media.
Dreadrobertspoints out that Kindred’s actions are emblematic of a broader trend within Sweet Baby Inc. and their defenders, where employees and their defenders engage in provocative behaviour but evade accountability when confronted.
Incorporating additional tweets adds further depth to Dreadroberts’ analysis surrounding the controversies involving Sweet Baby Inc. Dreadroberts concluded the video by urging viewers to approach information critically, to scrutinise narratives carefully, and to hold individuals and companies accountable for their actions.
No one is going to enjoy her game anyway. Women are always shitty game developers.
Can’t stop the ESG money flow, but you can control your own.
Don’t give money to people who hate you.