After posting a long note regarding his intentions and naming comic industry whisper network goons Alex De Campi and Ramon Villalobos as a large part of the reason for his actions, Ed Piskor of Cartoonist Kayfabe was confirmed dead by his family in a Facebook post.
The tragic act culminated after a week of comic industry cancelations of Ed Piskor, following the reveal of alleged misconduct by two artist women who happened to both be named Molly. One of those women was underage at the time Ed Piskor was allegedly flirting with her.
His sister posted to Facebook, “It is with the most broken heart that I share my big brother, Ed, has passed away today. Please just keep our family in your prayers as this is the hardest thing we’ve ever had to go through.”

Others reacted to the news of the Cartoonist Kayfabe purveyor with their thoughts on the situation.
The Quartering said of the matter, “The cancel mob took another life. Ed Piskor, an indie comics artist has taken his own life after an online cancellation over false misconduct accusations.”

Ed Piskor’s tragic death came just days after his Cartoonist Kayfabe partner Jim Rugg posted to Instagram formally canceling his friend in what appears to be a complete mess for the comic industry. Very few with ties to the whisper network are saying anything about the matter at all, leading to speculation as to what the mainstream access media is going to spin for their coverage.
Chris Braly, editor in chief of Bleeding Fool noted the lack of any coverage of the topic by the mainstream comic media, asking the question, “Wonder why Bleeding Cool and Comics Beat haven’t reported on the tragic and untimely death of Ed Piskor yet? I wonder if Alex won’t let Rich say anything, and if Heidi is worried about something else…”

Meanwhile, Yellowflash 2 directly called out those who were written about in Ed Piskor’s letter, saying, “Ramon Villalobos and Alex De Campi are the main reason Ed Piskor is dead.”

Comics Matter w / Ya Boi Zack, a YouTube legend who’s been targeted by this very whisper network in the comic industry since they didn’t like his comic reviews in 2017 made his statement on the matter clear, saying “Alex De Campi is a murderer.”

Comic journalist Penny Parker has been speaking out about cancel culture from these mobs for years and reacted to the situation with a stern warning for comics as she typically does, saying, “omic pros blowing up my DMs, “YOU WERE RIGHT, the Whisper Network coordinates with the corrupt media, colludes, doxxes, tries to get ppl to self-delete” etc. this is a fucking tragedy– I DON’T WANT to be right, I want this madness to stop”

Her work has been integral in whistleblowing on the corrupt behavior of comic industry professionals in colluding and canceling one another in order to maintain their clout within the insular sphere of the profession.
While some creators are saying we need to reflect and be better, there’s no sign that the whisper network involved will be doing anything other than what they’ve continued to have done going forward. As of yet, the creators who have been canceled by these same people over the years have not voiced receiving any apologies, showing the comic industry learns little even from a death like Ed Piskor.
What do you think of the reactions to Cartoonist Kayfabe purveyor Ed Piskor’s death? Leave a comment and let us know.
Ethan Van Sciver is now shedding crocodile tears after posting two live streams attacking Ed Piskor as a “groomer”, and it was EVS who foregrounded that EP liked a picture of what turned out to be a 14 year old. So I find it absolutely ridiculous that EVS is now posting “RIP Ed Piskor” and trying to point fingers at others. HE WAS PART OF IT and takes NO responsibility. It is absolutely scummy behavior. I f–king hate you EVS, you piece of s–t.
Piskor promoted cancellation of others so he wouldn’t have cared if anyone else did it. He bashed others and was a culture vulture not saying he needed to do this but the guy died by what he helped create. EVS has been massively hypocritical on multiple issues not just this but Mike S Miller, Eric July, Vox Day, Todd McFarlane, Erik Larsen, Netflix, Geoff Johns, and other topics.
The Death Cult claims another life.
Piskor was part of it he mocked and attacked others
Ya Boi Zack is right, Alex de Campi is a murderer.
I have no sympathy for suicides. They are weak, pathetic, selfish, and hurt everyone around them. Burn in Hell, Piskor.
chill out shelbie
Nothing he did deserves death.
Unless there are more skeletons in his closet that haven’t come out yet.
Was he a pedo?
Don’t simp for him now that he’s dead. His art wasn’t that great and he was a leftist who promoted this shit himself! He died being cancelled by his “friends” bet he didn’t name everyone. Maybe this is enough drama to get the companies to shut down publishers. I agree though the messages should be looked at was he knowingly flirting with teenage girls and offering them connections for sex? That should be looked into if he is innocent of that sad.
I have no sympathy for cancel Pigs.