Mark Waid seems to have a problem with his online life, as he loves being a big proponent of cancel culture to the point where it often gets him into trouble. This week, he’s been ranting on a comic book message board, lecturing people on how to behave online while blaming ComicsGate for the tragedy of late Cartoonist Kayfabe purveyor Ed Piskor.
Mark Waid’s hatred of ComicsGate came before the term even existed in the comic industry zeitgeist when Richard C. Meyer made review videos in 2017 that the industry didn’t approve of. Under the moniker, Diversity & Comics, Richard C. Meyer savaged books by Mark Waid and others over their force-fed diversity content in the comics, which stepped on the storytelling for bad products.
Rather than listen to Richard C. Meyer, Mark Waid tried to use his Facebook platform to get him canceled, saying, “If anyone sees this gentleman or any of his friends, I need you to come find me and tell me immediately,” Mark Waid posted to Facebook. “Even if I’m on a panel, come up and interrupt. Please circulate this request as widely as you possibly can through all your social media accounts. Fellow pros, tell each other. This is about attempting to lessen the harassment of women in comics, and it is important. Please spread the word. Thank you.”

Mark Waid’s harassment of Richard C. Meyer continued to the point that it was alleged he called a publisher who was going to publish Jawbreakers: Lost Souls to warn them off publishing the YouTube critic. This led to a costly lawsuit, which was ultimately settled out of court.
But Mark Waid’s viciousness doesn’t stop there, and he attacked fan-beloved Mark Millar on Facebook following an incident where Mark Millar stood up for a comic shop owner complaining about self-insert characters ruining comics. In that tirade, he bizarrely threatened to “burn down the comic industry” rather than “get together’ with the alt-right” after writing a strange Bond-villainesque rant calling Mark Millar a “falling star rocketing across the sky.”

Mark Waid has also been no stranger to using tragedy to attack the online alternative comics movement called ComicsGate. He took to Facebook again recently to blame ComicsGate for negative comments on a GoFundMe post he used as a buffer on his timeline just hours after launching more bizarre attacks, stating, “It took the ComicsGate and Alt-Right trolls less than an hour to try to overrun the comments section with now-deleted hate about totally unrelated grievances.”
Now, Mark Waid is arguing with Ed Piskor fans over the recent death of Cartoonist Kayfabe purveyor Ed PIskor. To a few’s surprise, he’s using the situation to attack ComicsGate again.

After a scrawling ironic rant about online behavior and how one should choose whether it’s appropriate to comment or not, Mark Waid took to Tapastalk to argue with an Ed Piskor fan who’s using Ed Piskor as an avatar over the situation, seemingly unaware of the grief-stricken Cartoonist Kayfabe fans not needing to deal with Mark Waid causing problems for them.

He started his conspiracy theory about ComicsGate with what seemed to be an innocuous post derailing the Ed Piskor thread, “There certainly seem to be more than one poster in this thread who’s listening to the same Comicsgate would-be lawyers who have yet to be right about anything about which they’ve espoused their legal opinions on YouTube.”

After receiving pushback, Mark Waid doubled down with anti-ComicsGate hate, making the situation about him instead of Ed Piskor and Cartoonist Kayfabe on a thread which was for the topic, “Because, M59, the vicious dogpile of raging Comicsgaters and others is even more incessant and vicious than the online folks you believe drove Ed to suicide. I don’t blame them one bit for blocking and withdrawing. I did the same thing when Comicsgate came after me hard because they were convinced I’d done something they didn’t like and vowed to make my life a living hell, which they did at first.”

Mark Waid then argues with the Ed Piskor avatar about Rob Liefeld in a bizarre turn of events for several pages on the thread before talking down to the comic book fan and claiming he “embarrassed” the poster.

This behavior is par for the course of the comic industry whisper network blaming ComicsGate in every situation to deflect from the shame of their cancel culture behavior. Mark Waid is one of the worst out there for canceling people over petty politics, and using Ed Piskor’s death as a political tool to push this agenda is further exposing the comic industry for what it is: a vapid, political clout charade masquerading as an art form.
What do you think of Mark Waid’s comments on Cartoonist Kayfabe Ed Piskor relating To ComicsGate? Leave a comment and let us know.
NEXT: C2E2 Engages In Blatant Discrimination While Hosted On A Government Property
Shut Up, Mark.
The sooner the mainstream is gone the better then Mark will have to shut up
Waid is irrelevant.